
What do you do when one of your kids gets double teamed on by your others?

by  |  earlier

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All three kids ages (11-Girl) (9-Girl) and (8-Boy) were playing a quiet board game togetherat the table when all of the sudden I hear the 11 year old and 8 year old teasing the 9 year old saying that she dosen't know how to spell, she's boring to play with, etc. When she tried to stick up for herself the 11 year old stopped her from talking and called her a waste of breath... The 9 year old stood up and said "Do you wanna tell me that to my face" to the 11 year old and the 8 year old came up from behind and spit at her...

I just dont understand........

The 11 year old and 8 year old were sent to their rooms immediately and were both spanked and grounded for a week....

What would you do? Has this ever happened to you before?





  1. Make your kids do math. Give them a math book a year beyond there level and have them learn it and complete assignments. They won't act up again

  2. You did the right thing. I would also talk to the 2 kids doing the bullying and explain why it's wrong and ask them how'd they feel if the tables were turned. The 9 yr old deserves an apology from her siblings and will probably need some TLC from you and some reassurance that she isn't stupid or a waist of breath.

    Kids can be cruel to each other so it's up to us as parents to teach them right from wrong and I think you did a good job.

  3. hahahahaha..i am so sorry but i was once one of those little kids!! Honestly our parents tried to punish us like that!! big nono.. didnt teach us nothing!! me and my sis would gang up on my bro, my bro and sis on me, and me and bro on sis!! its just kids...we all do it!! it will never stop!! Spitting on the other hand is disgusting and a habbit he should get out of srtaight away!! it is gross!! he should of been punished more for that then teasing!! hope this is a help!! difference with my bro and sis!! we would have punch ups!! abuse one another and punch ups!! when they get older and look back they will all laugh!!! we do now lol



  4. This sort of thing used to happen all the time with my siblings and I, and my parents dealt with it pretty much the same way, except there was nothing to ground us from. In any case, we turned out just fine, and we're all are really close now.

  5. I have been a Director for a Nation wide family organization and I am a parent. I have dealt with these situation in both arenas.

    The boundaries have been set for your children, you separated and punished them. One of the thinks I have learned by taking care of other peoples children is two fold; first the child that spat needs to correct this behavior, although you did ground him he still needs to apologize to his sister and told why this is an unacceptable. Second, your little girl needs to be hugged; she was part of the equation of yelling but did not cross the line of spitting.

    I don't think I would have handle situations the way I do if I were not in the position I am in. I stop spanking my kids when I felt worst then they did. I have their computer in my office and have not decided when I will give it back.

    Hang in there...they are smaller than you are and you have the money lol

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