
What do you do when???

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What do you do when you know that someone is cheating on there husband or wife.. girlfriend or boyfriend? How do you tell the person? I ask this because it seems anytime someone sees someone cheating and says something they end up the bad person not the cheater. So what do you think should the person who knows about the cheating say something or keep there mouth shut?




  1. actually it depends whose the someone,if im close to then i have no prob. telling him or her caus obv. i care .but if the someone is just some person i kno i rather not say anything...but maybe ill give them some hints or so

  2. if you are a trustworthy person and they know it i think they would believe you.

  3. yes they should now, put yourself in their shoes. at first you dont want to know, but in the end you dont want to be the only idiot that didnt now the person you love is cheating on you. if they get mad at you give it time. i am sure they are going to need your shoulder to cry on, and when they do make sure you are there

  4. you don't interfer let them both deal with their stuff...stay away from that is the best thing you can do

  5. ide tell the person who's being cheated on if its my friend.ide rather leave an anonymous note if im not good friends with them.I usually just stay out of it because usually the person being cheated on already has a suspicion.

  6. In my opinion you should keep your mouth shut. At the end they both end up happy and they will "not like you" because they will think you tried to separate them.

    Or you could not tell them, :) but show 'em, prove  that he/she is cheating on your friend. I mean if you know that person is doing it is because you saw it, make your friend see it too. Try no to be too obvious and pretent you didn't know.
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