
What do you do when someone deliberately cut you off in traffic?

by  |  earlier

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What do you do when someone deliberately cut you off in traffic?




  1. One time I followed someone and flashed my lights and blared on my horn for like 3 miles. Then I went next to them in the breakdown lane and flipped em off and a cop saw me. So, I lost my license for 15 days. And the moral of the story is, shoot people, don't chase them.

  2. Forget it and move on.  Don't bring yourself down to their level.

  3. it happen every day..... to some one or another and we all deal with it the same way we cuss and thats about all you need to do........ but you could alway call it in and report a drunk driver all you need is a number and say you think they are drunk they driving all over the road in and out of their lane and you think they are going to hurt someone..... its not a lie is many times i wish i had a gun..... no id kill their car..... i dont belive in hurting stupid animals....... dont brake dont give ..... return the favor..... many things you could do but cuss and let them know their number one is better

  4. Cuss and swear to myself because I'm afraid if I do it to them, I'll get shot!  Road rage you know.

  5. unfortortunaley theres nothing you can do except suck it up and maybe throw up a middle finger and a couple of curse words

  6. Back off and let it go. It's not worth it to challenge someone.

  7. slow down

    where I live thats always an accident

    besides most of the time I carry very precious cargo !

    =  )

  8. When I pass them up I blow them a kiss

  9. Follow them and keep honking your horn until you run out of gas.

  10. I do a long, constant slam on the horn. They usually keep their distance from me after that.

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