
What do you do when someone is tailing you?

by  |  earlier

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Do you flash your brake lights at them? Do you slow down even more, intentionally? Do you just pull over or get in another lane?

Someone was tailing me just 10 minutes ago, and I flashed my brakes at him, and he got closer, so I slowed down even more. So then he followed me into a parking lot and then just took off. It gave me a headache, I got so pissed.




  1. I just don't let them bother me. After all, if they hit my back end the insurance will cover me since it wasn't my fault anyway.

    Usually they are just being obnoxious, or woke up too late and are in a rush now, which isn't your problem.

    Sometimes someone will tailgate me when there are 3 other open lanes and no one else around. In that case I just move over and let them fly. So long as you are doing the speed limit you aren't doing anything wrong and should just ignore them since they are trying to get on your nerves

  2. i pump my brakes to scare em , if they still dont back off i get out of my car and get in der face to see wtf der problem is

  3. I flash the Cargo light on my truck. But most of the time I just speed up or move over.

  4. I won't tell you what happened to four drunks in a late '60's Pontiac Catalina when they tried to tailgate/bump me during the mid '70's, but the Catalina was still sitting on the shoulder of the interstate the next day with a dark puddle under the engine. Now that I'm older and wiser, I stay in the slow lane and slow down until they pass me.

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