
What do you do when someone just met you and they judge you?

by  |  earlier

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So in grade 9 it was the beginning of the year and my friend introduced me to her new friend she met in class. He seemed really nice and funny at first, and then mid through the year my friend told me that he thought i was mentally retarded when he first met me? I'm not, so i found that really insulting but all my friends like love him and i really don't know what is so special abut him. Now the girl that introduced me to him is like really good friends with him and i told her about it and shes like oh well? I don't know what to do. He is in my like group and i can't stand him.




  1. Firstly, just ignore his opinion of you, shrug your shoulders and shake it off because come on...who even says that, he must be the one with the brain damage here, no social skills at all. And if he's in your group and everyone loves him, stay different to them, because he'll notice and take action with it. And even if his opinion of you doesn't change, you know what you are, and you don't need him to tell you at all. Just forget about him.

  2. Ignore him! If he said something like that about you, he clearly isn't worth your time. What does it matter that he's in your group? You shouldn't let him ruin your fun! Just act like he doesn't exist, and if he ever talks to you just blank him.

    Or you could confront him about it. Why not just say to him "Why did you think I was mentally retarded when you first met me?" chances are, he'll be like "what?" and then deny saying it, and he'll be feeling bad about it and then you'll be on top.

  3. when someone judges u when they just met u, u just say F*** YOU and move on cause they obviously dont realize that you are person and there is a whole life behind u that they dont even take the time to get to know who that is before judging their the retarded person. just be mature and get along with him when he's around. u dont have to be like best friends or anything.

  4. I would ask him why he thought you were that way and then tell him  that it isn't polite to make assumptions about people you don't even know and didn't his parents raise him that if he couldn't say anything nice, don't say anything at all, then walk away.

    For the most part, don't let what other people think about you rule your life. You will meet all sorts of people from extremely nice to utterly incompetent in your life and the only opinion that will ever matter, will be yours.

  5. Okay you have serious problems if you're asking this question. (no offense) But seriously, dump them all. If they don't understand that he was rude to you or at you then they aren't worth your time. And your 'best friend' obviously doesn't care much about you if she's not backing you up in the situation - because she knew YOU first!!! So, talk to your friends, and talk to him. It's probably just some stupid Freshman c**p that doesn't mean anything at all! Guys are very immature (especially at that age) so, dump the ones who didn't care and keep the ones who did. And just avoid him. It's simple - common sense.

  6. like

  7. i don't do anything! i get judged because of my race, the fact i am heavily tattoed, and a chronic drinker. just part of life.

  8. Maybe you should try talking to him personally? Wright him an e-mail or text him, how ever you feel comfortable about doing it. Just ask him why he said that? Maybe your friend misunderstood what he said, or maybe he said it as a joke? But guys can be really immature at times. And your friend is not a very good friend if she can't see that what he said hurt you. If you walked up to her and told her your new guy friend thinks your retarded, yet he is now one of your best friends, how would she feel? And honestly, this guy sounds like an idiot. He didn't even know you and said something very childish and mean. Don't let him bring you down.

  9. What makes you think your friend told the truth? Maybe she just wants to turn you off the guy

  10. It sounds like you may be jealous a little bit..

  11. uhhh. he sounds mentally retarded. Seriously, who says that? I thought your friend was mentally retarded when i met her? Just shrug your shoulders and stop caring. Why should you care about someone who thinks its ok to call normal people retards when they are aware that mentally ill people are real and should not be made fun of? Why should you care about someone who judges someone without knowing them? He sounds like an idiot. Let him live his idiot life and dont let his stupid opinions interfere with yours

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