
What do you do when someone makes you feel bad?

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What do you do when someone tries to make you feel bad and you can't do anything about it? My mom, when in a bad mood, says really hurtful things to me. I try my hardest to ignore them, just take deep breaths and count to 10 over and over again while she's talking, and remind myself it doesn't matter, but I inevitably break down into tears when she leaves. We are in therapy to try to improve, but in the meantime it's really hard for me to cope. What do you suggest I do in the moment when incidents like this happen?




  1. Trying to stay calm is a good way to go. I believe in respecting your parents but enough is enough. When your mom goes on her rants you should tell her "Mom you're hurting me and I'm going to go to my room (or go outside) until you calm down. I love you." She needs to know what she is doing is wrong the moment it happens.  

  2. if she wont stop call 911 if thretened. i know what you are going through my mom tryed to choke me though.

  3. Think to yourself she really doesn't mean it.

    She sounds ill and that is the reason for the outbursts.

    It's good you are both getting help and eventually with this your situation should improve.

    Have you any other support ? Increase your social network participate in a sport/dancing or something to relieve the stress.

  4. Think yourself lucky...

    a lot of other kids have it way worse.

    Watch freedome writers, and take the lead and you'll see what I mean.

    Just be glad your mother only SAYS hurtful things, instead of doing hurtful things, like beating you until you've lost more teeth then your grandparents. And again, you're lucky you can afford therapy sessions, because a lot of familys can't when they really need it.

    Tell your mom how it's effecting your life. Instead of crying, say " What doesn't kill me, only makes me stronger" in your head. You'll find those words mean a lot.  

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