
What do you do when someone questions you being g*y??

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If they ask you & you are but do not want them to know right now...




  1. My sister asked me a few weeks ago while we were talking about one of my friends who is L*****n. I wasn't prepared for the question, so I stuttered then said, "I don't know..." then quickly changed the subject. She's pretty smart, so I'm sure my sister thinks I am L*****n. No one else has asked me, so I don't know how I'd responde. Guess it depends on who is asking.  

  2. when that happens to me i  just smile or maybe chuckle and say no

    then i try not to harder not to give off that vibe around them

  3. Been there, done that--it's a rough position to be in.

    Back in the day, when people would question my sexuality, I'd just laugh it off and say, "No, I'm not g*y. What are you talking about?" I wouldn't advise doing that though, it only makes you miserable with yourself. If you can come out, do. Unless of course your family would disown you or something, then it might be wise to not tell them until you can support yourself.

    Best of luck with this, really...I do know how you feel.  

  4. If one of my friends asked, I think I would say yes... if a family member asked I would deny it

  5. if you dont want them to know just say your not. if you thinks its time they know say yes.

    personally i have never been asked, but i would say no

  6. You have to move.

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