
What do you do when someone says something mean?

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like someone says your shirts g*y or something

besides making fun of them




  1. Ignore them or just simply say thanks and walk away. Think about it what else can they say if you say thanks. Good luck

  2. well i HATE it when people say something is "g*y,"  so i always tell them that g*y is not a synonym for stupid, but that's just my pet peeve.  

    sometimes i just like to throw people off by either saying "thanks" and sounding like a really mean it, or laughing like what they said is actually funny.  they get totally thrown off and look confused and stuff.  then they come out looking the like the stupid one.  but you can sometimes also turn it into a joke to diffuse the situation.  that's easily done with classics like "your mom" and "your face" or whatever

    i wouldn't recommend this, but it's what i usually do.  you can learn hwo to be more sarcastic.  as my mom always said, "i don't get even, i get one up."  so i always take it the one step higher until they cna't think of anything better.  they either shut up and feel stupid, or they come up with lame insults and look stupid.  either way they end up stupid.  but that's not very nice.  and it takes some practice with the right tone of voice and stuff so people don't think you're a total ******.  

    good luck.

  3. Well if someone says "Your shirts g*y"  you say "Like your face"  but since you don't want to make fun of them then just say "Okay" or "Thanks" with pride, then turn around and walk away like you brushed it off yor shoulder.  If someone happens to be next to you then start talking to them casually like nothing happened.  Did that help? :)

  4. go s***w yourself lol  

  5. Say: Excuse me, I don't remember asking for your opinion!  

  6. I punch them in their bottom lip.

  7. say something nice back or tell them that Jesus loves them!!!!! it will blow their minds away!!!!!

  8. You say NOTHING. ANYTHING you say can be twisted around against you; just smile, shake your head and walk away. THAT will drive them crazy.

  9. laugh and act like it doesn't bother you.  

  10. Just look at the person in a blank stare, then walk away. They want you to react, so don't.

  11. Say something mean back.

    You don't have to take anyone's c**p.

    You could just be like, "wow, you're really horrible at insults if that's the best you could come up with"

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