
What do you do when someone skips you in line?

by  |  earlier

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It seems as though everytime I'm not practically on top of the person in front of me when in line, someone inches their way into that space and skips me in line???




  1. I would tell them to kindly get out of your way and if they refuse, give them some knuckles in the small of their back.

  2. Depends on what kind of mood I'm in but normally I will say something like "Excuse me, but were you here before me?" or "Excuse me, there is a line here."  Most times it doesn't bother me so much except that as a matter of principle people should not be cutting in front of others.

  3. Yeah, depends what mood your in, like the other day some old man cut in line at the gas station I wouldn't have cared much except for right now I have a huge cast on my leg and am on crutches, yet he still cut , he wasn't even elderly only about in his late 50's and not only did he cut but he took forever playing lotto buying cigarettes etc,,, WTF how rude.. Huh? but that day I was tired and just got out of work and traffic so I just said F*** it and waited the rude b*****d even made a comment about me giving the cashier my cash over the counter before he completely moved outta the way! I just was like whatever old F*** I gotta get home, although other days I would have been swearing at him like a F****n sailor for the same thing, it was weird cause im a One Rude C**t .so it really depends on ones mood or maybe the full moon was out that day

  4. depends who it is....

    if i dont like em- be like

    "uhhh, you cut me, if you didnt notice"

    if they're my friend id be like

    "ohh thnankkks!" sarcastically of course.

    if i dont care, id be like


    im kind of a pushover so i wouldnt be mean or anything, lol

  5. I liked the first person's answer, but honey, NOTHING talks louder than a fist! If this gooombah skipped ahead, then I'd drag him back BODILY and put him where he belonged. If he didn't stay there, I'd pound him. He deserves it. Good manners are either learned at home or beaten into the average moron.

  6. I know exactly what you mean!!! I just skip them back and a have a "wtf, I was first" expression on my face. I

  7. Do the same to them. Act like your friends with the person who you used to be behind and act all confused and start talking to them and then move into your spot, slyly glaring at the cutter.

  8. To tell you the absolute truth ... I let them do it. And then I stand there and look at them in front of me and revel about how much of a nicer person I am because I would NEVER do that (all inside my head, of course).  I try to give them the benefit of the doubt -- like perhaps they are fro another country where lines mean nothing (only some cultures line up in an ordely fashion.)

    I am never in too much of a hurry to risk a confrontation with someone.  I just let them go on their merry, line-jumping way.  I presume karma will take care of them later on.

  9. OK i always get cut and i always say get the **** behind me trust me they will know your not playing

  10. I'll tap them on their shoulder and gesture for them to get the h**l out of my space.

  11. punch them.

  12. I say "Excuse me, but I am next."  And the people behind me always back me up.

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