
What do you do when someone that has no friends thinks you're their friend and follows you around?

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What do you do when someone that has no friends thinks you're their friend and follows you around?




  1. you kill them lol

  2. I try to make it clear as the sun that they are not my friend. For example, telling them that I need to talk to my "best friend" to discuss something with them, or constantly talking about my"real friends"

    If that doesn't work, then you just have to say it out loud and they have to accept the fact and not follow.

  3. I`ll keep an eye on him. You must take care of your safety first.

  4. Take them into the forest.

  5. Run,

  6. You be kind towards them until they give you a reason to do otherwise. Following you around is not a reason to treat someone badly. It's really not that difficult to be friends with someone that is friendless, is it?

  7. Try to be polite... make some suggestions how she can find friends.. suggest she join a club or a group..If you can try to get to know her a bit better. She may be shy and if you can't be her friend, maybe you will still find she is a nice person and you can act as a mediator and introduce her to some other people you know.. x Nobody should be without friends...

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