
What do you do when someone you know is developing a serious addiction to cocaine?

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and he knows EXACTLY what he's doing so it's not that he's in denial about it, but he still won't do anything to help himself? How do you just watch someone knowingly destroy themselves? Is there anything you can do?




  1. pinkdarbi nailed it! he has to hit bottom, you may have to choose to cut him loose. is the website for narcotics anonymous, you can find a link for meetings there.

  2. You could try talking to him - but it probably won't work.  You just have to be a friend and be ready for him to hit rock bottom, that's when many addicts will clean themselves up.

    Really, until he wants to do something about it he won't change - that's the problem with addiction.  The addict knows what they're doing to themself but they don't want to stop.  If his addictive behaviour is damaging the people around him it might be best to put a bit of distance between you and hope that when he's ready he will ask for help.

    It's heartbreaking watching a friend destroy themself but there's not a lot you can do.  Good luck

  3. Cocaine addiction can be hard to control. Many everyday people have lost jobs, family, friends, and loved ones simply because they could not tame thier cocaine habit. I suggest you find some help. I found a site that has addiction information and a list of addiction treatment centers so you can help.

    Get healthy!

  4. Drug addiction is an issue that is much too complex to really give advice on over Y!A because we don't really know the full extent of your entire situation, relationship, etc.

    With that being said, I don't know what you have tried, but "tough love" is probably your best option.  I don't know if this man is your boyfriend, friend, sibling, or whatever, but as hard as it is, you may need to say goodbye.  Sadly, for most addicts, they must reach rock bottom before they finally change their ways.  Have you tried talking to some sort of counsellor or even called a toll-free help line?  There are various options, but since I don't know your whole story, I cannot with all confidence give you a straightforward answer.  Hopefully this was of some help to you.  

  5. I am a recovering cocaine addict. As long as their were no consequences no one, or no body could do anything for me. I was not willing to get help until I hit my bottom. My bottom was a lot! I lost kids, got Dui, lost everything, and almost succeeded at committing suicide. This stuff happened over a ten year period. I had to learn the hard way. I used everyone I new to get more! Some people don't have to go as far as I did to hit a bottom. Some people do. My suggestion to you is get out! Before getting out of this relationship, whatever it may be, try to extend help in the form of asking him to go to treatment. You can also ask that he go to an NA, or AA meeting. If he refuses there is nothing, and I mean nothing you can do for him except pray for him! If you are really tangled in this relationship I suggest going to an Alanon meeting. Those meetings help people deal with someone who is addicted! Also, do not enable him at all! If you give him money ect. it will prolong the process of hitting a bottom. When i was using all I cared about was the next hit. That stuff will turn a Nun into a prostitute!

  6. It is his life and there really is nothing that you can so to stop him, unless you want to lose a friend.

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