
What do you do when the baby wakes up?

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Ignore the first sentence.... sorry.




  1. Your baby might just be waking up and breast feeding out of habit rather than from hunger. When he wakes up, just comfort him and get him to fall back asleep. We use a soother for our daughter (the rain forest one from Wal Mart) and it works wonderfully well. Good luck!

  2. if you are certain he is not hungry, ie he nurses for a very short time, the soothe him back to sleep with a dummy, or stroke his face, rub his back, etc.

    he will soon get used to not having the feed in the night.

    when my daughter wakes - she is nearly 1 - i take her into our bed, give her a dummy and stroke her face - she is sleeping again in 5min.

  3. dont give him anything,,, does he have a soother he may want that ,when you give a baby this age anything during the night they are inclined to wake every night because it becomes routine,,,, just settle him back down without contact if you can if not then be a quick as possible settling him back down,, if he has a soother then give him it,,,, if not then he may just want one

    i know there not the best thing but some babies do need one

  4. do what? feed him, why not? you feed yourself when your hungry

  5. When my baby wakes up I feed and change her and we go back to sleep.

  6. My girl doesn't often wake up anymore but...she's 7 mo. old and goes to bed anywhere between 6:30-8:00pm and wakes up around 6:30 or 7.  We have moved recently and are traveling a lot so sometimes have to share a hotel room...when she wakes up we just wait and usually she falls back asleep within 10 min.  She may cry a bit but as long as it isn't an upset cry...I just let her be.  Sometimes she's even still sleeping when she cries out!  I'd give him a bit to see if he'll fall asleep on his own...or just pat him and reassure him but don't pick him up if he's not crying.

  7. I nursed him when he woke up at night until he was around 11 months old.  I quit cold turkey one night.  When he wakes up now, one of us will go in a rock him until he either falls back to sleep, or until he settles enough to put himself back to sleep.  If he's teething, I'll give him some teething tablets or Motrin, and I'll offer a sippy cup of water in case he's thirsty.  

  8. From what I have read, letting your baby "cry it out" may lead to more difficulty patters of sleep in the future.  I would probably allow 5 minutes and then I would go in and comfort baby and try and put back to sleep.

    7 months old... I bet you that he is teething.  When my son was 7-8 month sold..he was starting to wake up like a 3 month old (about 3-4 times per night).  I know that he was not hungry but I went ahead and 1st tried to calm down with a pacifier and his blankie on my shoulder...if that did not work and didn't stop crying...then I would breastfeed him a little which usually calmed him down.  If he was still cranky...I gave him some Tylenol - infant because he was teething at the time.

    I know that the standard is to do away with the overnight feeds but there are times that you will have to do that in order to settle baby down and of course keep you sane as well.  Do your best to use alternative methods first and then feed him if needed.  My son is 9 months yours eating solids yet?  Evaluate what you give and what times you feed...this could also be an issue for overnight feeds.

    Good Luck!

  9. I went through exactly the same thing with my youngest one.

    She would wake up in the middle of the night we would give her a bottle, You need to make sure he isnt hungry... he nurses for a very short time... etc. Because at times our daughter drank quite a bit of formula! But after that was back to bed! hers!

    Maybe when he wakes up @ 2, just nurse him, maybe he's thirsty or hungry you cover the bases. And then back to bed. If he wakes up after that , he isnt hungry, he just doesnt wanna sleep in his crib.So that;s your cue, if you let's say fed him by 2 by 3 he isnt hungry. So just let him be.

    It's going to tough, to hear him cry!!! But it's not for long!! I promise!! And then he'll get the idea and maybe wake up just once.

    At least that's what our daughter did.

    Best of Luck!!!

  10. I did the same thing as you, I always fed the baby ..

    The only way to break the habit is to let the baby cry (the 'cry it out' method) I could never do that to my son.

    It's a hassle waking to feed the baby .. but I've always done it =]

    Also, IF you know the baby isn't hungry, then it means he's waking for comfort; if that is the case, I suggest giving him a bottle of WATER when he wakes to eat: he will be disappointed with the water and should stop waking after a couple trials of that =]

    Good luck!

    I've been there and done that!

    .. and still giving my 1 yr. old his 'midnight snack.' =]

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