
What do you do when the doctor won’t believe you?

by  |  earlier

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I told the doctor that I was suffering from hallucinations, but he just dismissed it and said that I was imagining things.




  1. Lmao, great joke. People must not have heard that one

  2. funny!!!!


  3. well what i would do is tell him/her that they are not doing there job and Say i am going to put in a complaint and see what they say coz if you do that then things mite change k

  4. We must have the same doctor. When I said I thought I was a pair of curtains he just told me to pull myself together.

  5. Isnt that the same thing?? stupid doctor!! maybe go and get another dr to check you out

  6. get a new doctor

    complain to the GMC

  7. I go to a different doctor...I had a doctor for the past year who thought i was faking being sick even sent me to a psychiatrist they thought it was just because of my mother's death. I seen a new doc. and they helped me out. So i would suggest seeing someone else

  8. maybe you should report him, cuz it's not fair if he's doing this to sick people just cuz he can't diagnose it!! and change doctors... hope you get sorted out by some doctor! :)

  9. Thank you! The same thing happened to me!

    Just today I imagined my son's friend "Cody" was named "Cory."

    I just blame it on people who pick weird names for their kids. lol

    No offense to all the Corys and Codys in the World. I actually like both names. My kid is stuck with "family" names. He'll appreciate it some day - I hope - I did.

  10. go see some one eles!  

  11. groan, bad joke

  12. I suspect what your really seeing is really real and your really imagining its real hallucinations.

  13. see a psychiatrist.

  14. Very funny.

    But, if you're being serious, you should see the CORRECT  doctor: a psychiatrist.  They can best help you with hallucinations.  There are meds you can take for it.

  15. Mine too.  I asked for a second opinion and he said yes, come back tomrrow.

  16. Yes I know what you mean most say you can't be serious. And then you have to ask yourself are you imaginig these things. They're coming to take me away aha.

    Get a second opinion or change the medication.

  17. Yes, my doctor is pretty useless too.

    He first said that I was schizophrenic, then said that he was in two minds about it.

  18. My doc does that. Last time I went, I was going through a really rough time, I thought I was feeling really depressed. It had lasted for several months. So I went to the doc, and wanted him to refer me to a counsellor to see if that would help. The doc totally dismissed what I was saying. I don't think I'll be going back to my doctors surgery unless I have a life threatening illness and only have 2 days to live. My doc totally humiliated me.

  19. silly doc

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