
What do you do when the people you love drive you crazy?

by  |  earlier

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And I mean really crazy - up to the point where all you can think about is how they make you so anger.




  1. You have to make a commitment after you realize you have a problem to get someone neutral to help you both, Men should love their wife like they love their own body, and woman should have Deep respect for her husband eph,5;28 and 1pet3;1,3;7 look it up. But you not only have to spend time together and do things together but try and learn intimacy and quit treating your relationship like a buisness, Live and let live quit making usless investment and expecting a return, You didn't do that when you met and it felt great didn't it! If you keep seing your relationship is going in the red, then it is futher then you think and feel, Do a mairital bankrupsy clean the slate and free each other from past depts, but don't divorce. Take off for a few days and him too and don't ask to many details but you do need to start relizing that you have love for each other and you are not in high school so love each other like you are young and there is no tommorow but, don't Act like children, Play with each other and don't be so stiff, leave each other little notes, on the coffee maker, on the steering wheel, in a shirt sleeve and for crying out loud Live you ***'s off. and Pray to God! Together every night.

  2. I got a divorce.

  3. take a hardcore break from them.

  4. I take a deep breath, or million. I go outside (alone) and have a smoke.

    If my husband is home I tell him take the baby and I go lock myself in my room. Or I tell him "right now, I really need to go take the baby and go do something, anything" and I sit on the pc playing a game, venting in trade/guild chat (Warcraft, btw)

    If my husband is not home, I give my son a bowl of ice cream or some other super rare treat and go lock myself in my room in silence or put on headphones really load and go about the things I need to do (or play WoW w/ headphones) I know my son is safe in his chair and I know he's happy with his treat so Im not neglecting him.

    I also make posts just like this one :)

    I know were you're at, I was there yesterday. Shacky, screaming at everything thinking you are just going to explode. Good luck! Tomorrow will be a better day!

  5. When anyone makes you angry, you are LETTING THEM do that to you.  You are GIVING THEM your power.

    How to stop being angry at them, and stop giving them your power.  If you want to not feel the anger and hurt because someone else acts poorly,

    you MUST assign their poor behavior soley to them.

    Quit putting it onto you at all.  Even it if seems they are blaming you for something.  It's just not YOURs.

    It's their is their is their feelings of being inadequate.

    How to you project yourself then?  

    You smile, you appear happy, and not wanting to be involved in their upset; you give them the flat hand, you shake your head at them, you walk away if needed.

    All that's on the outside for them to see.

    On the inside, you should not feel anger.  You SHOULD feel very sorry for that person, that they are angry, unhappy, and mixed up.

    If there is something that you can do to get them help with their problem, guide them in that direction, but DO NOT take on the responsibility to force them to get help.

    Suggest, and then forget it.  It is their problem.  Not yours.

    Change what you can, forget the rest.

    To live happy, just be responsible for YOUR day, your mood, your actions, your life.

    And let others be responsible for theirs.

    ^j^ ♥  

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