
What do you do when the people you work with are fake?

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My mother passed away recently and ever since I have turned to God. I had lost faith in God before and a little bit after my mom passed away. I had been feeling a void in my life that I knew only God can fulfill. Now that I've embarked on this journey I have started to put things in perspective and I've started realizing many things including who people truly are. I've began to study the bible. There is a passage in the bible that says "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven." Mathew 5:44-45 Now my question is I work with this guy and his sister works in the same facility but is in my office everynow and then. She is allowed in our office because she's a subcontractor to our co. Like brother and sister they both have the same attitude, they think that they know it all, and even at times they like to throw uncalled for comments. And I know they talk c**p behind my back, guaranteed. I've come to conclusion that they aren't good people. They aren't people I want in my life. I try to keep it professional and nothing else. I don't discuss my personal life nor do I ask them for any favor or have lunch with them. I use to have lunch with them and I've stopped. I feel that they are negative people and I don't need that. I try to do what the passage says which says love your enemies but it so hard when you see the evil in someone and they are people that will not change ever. People don't change. I've prayed for them before. How can I deal with them and not make it obvious that I don't like them and that they aren't my friends anymore?




  1. I felt the same way as you when i lost my nan i felt like it has left a huge hole in my heart i understand you are grieving and i am very sorry for the loss of your mum. If you feel that people are judging you talk to some one about your problem often when you have loss someone you love you fill distant. to me you sound like you need a long break to get your head together and you really need love and support from your family and friends cause to me you seem like your falling apart so take care of your self and talk to someone about your problem and you should egnore them because them seem to be acting childish how old are they i mean im 16 and i dont go saying childish c**p around and about people if you feel pissed off you should quite and find another job that you would like to do but find the job then quite goodluck. Take care and im very sorry for your loss :( x

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