
What do you do when the person you thought you would spend the rest of you life with you want to love another?

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me and my husband have been married for all most 3 year. to make a long story short. i lied to him and didn't respect him, he cheated on me 4 times. I believe that with god help you can fix any thing. can this be fixed




  1. "i lied to him and didn't respect him, he cheated on me 4 times."

    Ummm, does that mean that you both have been cheating on each other?

    Well, in my opinion God has nothing to do with it. You & your husband have everything to do with it & you can vow to begin a monogamous relationship at any time....Do a "start over" & see what happens.

    Likely that you'll both cheat again because you're not serious about commitment...obviously...but who knows? Maybe now is the time to get serious.

    Good luck to ya.  

  2. if both of you want it to work it will

  3. Everything can be fixed with God's help. If you really want him back, never loose hope. But first you decide if you really want to fix .  

  4. he cheated on you four times, that kind of betrayal is unforgivable. and it never makes any sense to beat a dead horse. if you really want to be happy dump the excess baggage.

  5. I agree with photogirl.  

  6. i think you talk to them or people who know you both and not strangers on the internet

  7. I would not even want to fix it. I would not forgive cheating but if you do girl only forgive once. He went on to do it three more times and they will not be his last.  

  8. when you have been betrayed trying to go back and restore it never works out.god can fix things, but some things are not meant to be, and no matter how much prayer its not going to work out.u can't fix other people's choices, man has free will to do whatever he wants.god won't give u something that could hurt u.

  9. It is not up to YOU to fix it, it is up to both of you to fix it. No one even with all the best help and counseling can change another persons actions or choices.  Now this will work only if you are truly able to let go of the pain of his cheating and he truly quits cheating on you. I must say the odds are against you. You face a huge up hill battle. The old adage goes "Once a cheater always a cheater" That is just plain ol reality. Do you have children together? If not you might consider getting a divorce. Remember this " You are the most important person in the world to yourself your choices are yours. Happiness is everything.


    what the h**l is wrong with this picture?  you lied, he cheated, and you both have no respect for each other.  time to move on.  get a divorce, and you'll be fine.

  11. He's cheated on you 4 times in three years???

    There are more fish in the sea, go fishing...  and if you really cared you wouldnt have lied and dis-respected him.

    Good luck

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