
What do you do when the plan you have does not work out the way you wanted?

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What do you do when the plan you have does not work out the way you wanted?




  1. I make best of the situation and prepare myself for anything. High expectations can be dangerous anyways.

  2. wake up the next morning and fail again and eventually things will git done but i have to follow thru not start something there seems to be to many things going on at once that im overwelmed

  3. PLANNING is OUR part and working out is HIS part

    I am not a beggar.

  4. make new plan ....there is no need to mourn and waste time.

  5. Search for an alternate plan to work for the same result.

  6. Make a new plan in accordance to the circumstances in which I presently find myself in as a result of my failed plan.

  7. Then you didn't focus all the way.

  8. Find the adjoining path

  9. I see it, as God's will.  No matter how disappointed I am at first, it always works out for the best, in the end! :D

    I just follow His lead!  It is a whole lot easier than getting in His way and s******g everything up!  Oops!

  10. I smile usually because something else is trying to happen, a higher plan,  it may be a deluded way of thinking for some, but it works for me and I can nearly always look back and see why things happened the way they did.

  11. Nothing in my life turned out the way I wanted... after some time I came to know clearly what other plans God had in store for me and they were inconceivable :) nobody can beat him at planning- its truly the best

    so whenever it happens I think its my destiny and accept it as his plan for me

  12. To be honest, it depends on the circumstance.  Most of the time, I have 3 plans and the C plan is the one that works out.  That being said, it depends a lot on the resistance I am getting to what I wanted in the first place and how bad I wanted it.  I see nothing wrong with realizing it isn't going to work right now and abandoning it for now with plans to revisit it later.  Sometimes, timing is everything and it might not be right at the time I want to tackle something.

  13. Let go.

  14. I look into the essece of what I want. I have a son that died at 20 & I was supported by a spiritual place that really helped me. So after the plan of having him in my life didn't work out I wanted to pray for people on a phone line but then the minister wouldn't let me proceed. I felt called to do this work. So then I left this place I loved but continued intuitively learning about the spiritual part of life. Now my plan is to coach people so they will be able to live better. So you just dance. If you can't go to the left you go the right, you just go around knowing it is all in divine right order & that you are actually being guided, being led. So let go of your plan & line up with what your higher self is showing you.

  15. At first,  I get upset................and then I get over it quickly and move on.

  16. Plan's are as straight as a country side road. None are straight, many have pot holes or dirt instead of cement. You might take a wrong turn, and need to take a detour, but in the end you'll arrive to your destination.

  17. adapt and improvise....

  18. surrender.


  19. - Take a little time to let out the emotion the plan's failure brings about. (anger, sadness, frustration, etc) - AKA - spaz out

    - Calm down/return to normal

    - Figure out why the plan failed

    - Examine the results of the failed plan

    - Modify the old plan, or make a completely new plan - AKA - deal with the consequences and move on with life

  20. Stay open, with "fresh" eyes to new possibilities that are emerging.

    i am Sirius

  21. I will flaskback to see where i went wrong and if i didnot go wrong. I take is at fate and move ahead.

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