I am having major depression, one of the causes is that I have a son who is severely disabled and my heart breaks for him. But a problem that is out of my control that pushes me into the black hole is thinking/knowing/hearing about children being abused, especially sexually abused. There are times I can barely function because I get so upset thinking about all the children in the world who are being abused...like 5 month old babies being raped and tortured. I can't stand it. I can't get it out of my mind and it makes me so depressed and upset that I feel like I'm not going to make it through the day.
Is there a name for this? I also am angry at god for allowing these things to happen to innocent children, so telling me to look to god for help is not helpful to me. God can stop these atrocities from happening but he doesn't. So at this time I hate him.