My kids father refuses to own up to the fact that he has failed himself and is now failing his kids. He thinks he was so responsible for going and filing with the courts to set up child support and visitations. (Thus so he could start after 4 years of not paying, help pay for his kids.) Yet, he has not started paying or paying correctly. This has been ordered now for almost a year. We went to court last week and now he is making it out that I am doing this all to him. They have ordered supervised visitations due to neglect, which he blames me for the fact he slept while he had them. Now he wont even make the appropriate phone calls to set up the court ordered supervised visitations. My kids are the ones who are suffering now because they want to see him, but he wont get a job and help out or pay for his half of the visitations. What should I do? My kids mean the world to me.