
What do you do when things keep going wrong?

by  |  earlier

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I'm sure I am not the only one who has days, weeks or months like this. No matter what you do, or how hard you try, it seems like there's an invisible force that keeps s******g up everything you do, or plan to do. Especially when you plan something, you can almost guarantee it's going to fail.

For example, you're late to work, no matter how early you leave, something's happened that causes you to be late. Or you misplaced your rent money only to find it after rent is due. Or you meet somebody for the first time and no matter how hard you try to make a good impression, you come off looking badly.

What do you do to protect yourself from times like this?




  1. I have this theory that absolutely everything travels in a system of peaks and lulls. The primary sciences of our world are based on Wavelengths and Frequencies so why shouldn't the highs and lows. The world is bipolar sometimes, you will have highs and lows at an extreme rate of change. I just got out of a 6 month slump about 6 months ago. I was unemployed, looking for a job and watching my bank accounts just nosedive. I didn't like it, but I didn't let it get me down too much. I just kept doing what I was doing, although trying to conserve a little bit of money. College loans were coming due, I was almost unable to get my car payments in. I had joined a staffing agency at the beginning of the six months and they sent me on ONE interview. That is just how life is sometimes and hope is good. It won't do everything, you have to try, but knowing that it will get better eventually. That is key. And you can also think that things could be worse. Look at the bright side of things. I am not an optimist, but in times like that, I am more hopeful and patient when it comes to my future. I have been at my job that the staffing agency got me for 6 months and I am making a lot of money so I am pretty happy, even though I am doing this at work. haha. hope this helps.

  2. Wow ! dude your right i been going through that my whole life ... will what i do to keep myself thinking down from all the negative stuff have been going to me- i just keep faith that GOOD LUCK thats waiting for me will at the end of the tunnle, its gonna be worth waiting for

  3. If all of these are not just your own excuses, then it is  GOD that He wants to test you since HE loves you more than others.

  4. You can’t protect yourself from things going wrong, it will always happen. It’s how you deal with it that matters – when everything seems to be going wrong stay really positive. There is no such thing as an unlucky person, scientific studies have shown that people who expect things to go wrong generally have things go wrong for them whereas positive people tend to have ‘good luck’.

    Also, when something goes wrong it’s well known that everything else seems a million times worse.

  5. look for a common cause to all the problems; absentmindedness

  6. First,  I reflect.    

    I search for answers and I find out that the cause of all of things going wrong  is "myself".    No one is to be blamed,  except "me".     I am forgetful.    I am not organized.     I procrastinate.     I am always cramming for things I should have done earlier.  

    So.  in order to protect myself from things going wrong again,   I try to improve,   get organized,    and be a better person next time.

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