
What do you do when two b*****s keeps talking about you?

by  |  earlier

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So I just started school again and there is assigned seating. It's a school that has modules (kinda like a 1 month semester). Basically, there are students ho have been there for a while and new people (me). So I am seated next to the class cut up and across our table is the Miss Iwantattention because she basically talks loud enough for everyone to hear her business and tries to dominate the room. So...a yesterday, the girl next to me just agitates the h**l out of me, bangs on the table, just makes annoying comments. I swear she was hormonal. I decide to move to a different table under the advice of another student, she comes back, learns why I moved and I become the enemy. The next day I hear her talking about me w/Miss Iwantattention. I pull "cut up" girl outside and try to smooth things over and explain myself, ask her "are we cool" to which she replied "yeah." That ***** along with the other are still talking ****. Now I'm just gonna ignore them. Any thoughts on what I should do?




  1. Just ignore them. they obviously want to use you to make themselves feel better. Show them that you dont give to effs about them they would soon get bored and move on.


    Don't step down to their level.

    They'll see you're not paying atention to them and eventually stop

    If you don't then they know the've accomplished what they want and keep on doing it just to make you more irritated.

  3. Don't ignore them; get revenge!

    "Revenge is justice - plain & simple."

  4. Yes. Ignore them. Do it. Eventually they'll get tired of it.

  5. **Ignore**  Ahhhhh...and go on with your life! The best thing to do is not let it bother you....and I'm sure they'll try to say things or do things to you. Just keep your cool and show them that you are above all of their silly Iwantattention games.

  6. dammmmmmmmm

  7. go along with it

    when they say something

    look at them and smile

    and look away

    if they realize it doesnt bother you

    theyll stop and leave you alone:]

    goood lucck <3

  8. just ignore them there no cents on getting in to fights excpecly if ur the new kid just keep your cool and don't start any thing at least you tried to get them to understand you.

  9. Make it seem like you are totally unaware that they even exist. They sound like total attention-whores. Don't give them the slightest bit of attention.

    Wow that is pathetic that they are that way in college!?

  10. My Mom always says -"kill'em with kindness" it drives people like that CRAZY

  11. Shes being petty and you are to by stewing over it. So what if they talk about you, geeez you act like its the last time someone is going to say stuff about you. Gawd kid.......grow up! There are way more Important things  in this world  to care about .

  12. Just ignore them thats the best way.

    I know it might annoy the h**l out of you,

    but you have to. dont do fire with fire it

    wont work well what i mean is if  they talk about

    you dont do it back it makes it worse.

    just if they make rumores say its not true

    if you know its not true. then there you go.

  13. ***** slap 'em!

  14. Just what you are now doing, ignore them. Miss Iwantattention wants attention and Cutupgirls always cut up for attention. Don't feed them. Starve them. Maybe they will die off. If they don't, who cares because they are just lame.

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