
What do you do when undesirable people move into your neighborhood?

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A few weeks ago, a family moved into a home in my community.

They park their awful cars in the street, scream at all hours of the night, leave their windows open, their children intimidate other children in the community and their eldest son and friends have vandalized community property.

They tossed the furniture at the pool into the swimming pool, plugged up the jets in the hot tub and they left fecal matter floating in the water.

We also discovered that one of their children was expelled from school for exposing himself in the classroom more than once.

They do not own the home, they are renters. This is a high-end community with homes costing $800,000.00 and up.

A letter was written to the home owner and charges have been filed against the teenager for vandalism - But none of these things deter them from causing trouble. We also think that the homeowner may be related to the occupants and due to financial difficulties, brought them to live with him.

What can we do




  1. This is worded much better then the other questions! It's funny how nooone answers this one. I say call the cops. Only if they r truly enterfiring with you and the quality of your life not just because they r black and loud if your scared r they r really scaring anyone call the cops

  2. we had some of those in my neighborhood.  my husband who is 6'6", went to their house and told them in no uncertain words that they had better stay off our property (they had tagged our vehicle) or else!  the other neighbors got involved as well.  One of them told them that if it happens again, he would not call the cops, but might call an ambulance.  We did however get the cops involved.  It seems that those kids were selling drugs out of their house, and skipping school a lot.  Ended up that they all got busted for one thing or another, are all in juvie and we don't hear a peep out of the parents.  good luck!

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