
What do you do when ur 2 best friends r fighting ?

by  |  earlier

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one of them is the depress and told someone else their problem and the other one is pissed off because the person didn't tell them instead what should i do?




  1. try to calm the flames of anger

  2. nothing, stay out of it. tell them to just be mature and stop fighting for dumb reasons... life is too short. but don't get involved either. it has nothing to do with you.

  3. Stay out of the middle of it. If one of them complains to you, tell them that you don't want to be in the middle and they need to tell the person how they feel and work things out.  

  4. stay out of it. Don't let them put you in the middle.  

  5. ok tell them it what just a ? if they start to fight give the one that started it a good punch in the arm

    (this is only if they dont care to be hit at that point)

    if you hit them any way they might not want to be your friend

  6. Mud pitt

  7. I say Enough! You are not friends? Do not be stupid!

    Greetings. See my photo:

  8. stay out of it

    don't take sides

    or there will be a threesome

    they will want you to take there side  etc

    then the other will fill bulled

    tell them

    hey  its you two  

    i think your both right and wrong

    I'm not going to get stuck in the middle

    nor play ref

    your both my best of Friends

    i don't wish to see either of you hurt or mad

    but grow up

    cause I'm tired of both of ya

    now you two  want  problems

    that's right    deal with me

    and you ll be  so deep  into  my  chit

    you ll of forgot  your petty differences

  9. If you really want to get involved in this matter, just do one thing give each one of them his own time to think about the whole matter calmly for three to four days but none of you talk to each other, eventually both of them will need each other and then everything will cool down i am suggesting this to you from my own experience.

  10. bring them together in one place and make them work it out by telling each other there feelings....

  11. stay out of it..if you take one side over the other you're going to make someone mad..there's no winning. Let them work it out on their own or you'll end up the bad person in the end

  12. just stay out of it and don't get in the middle between the two of them let them work this out themselves u will be better off if u did.

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