
What do you do when you're bored?

by  |  earlier

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  1. For me when l'm bored l go and sleep.My dear little girl.

  2. sleep or re-do my myspace

  3. sleep,t.v.,go out with friends or talk to ppl on aim

  4. Check out Y!A


  5. I like to surf the internet. IT seems that my life's revolved around my laptop.

  6. Get drunk, smoke weed and have hot sweaty premarital s*x. It's what teens are expected to do right?

    Go on my laptop YA, facebook, msn, you tube, RMS ect.

    Watch movies/series/tv even though most shows suck now

    Read books, magazines don't interest me these days

    Buy books online

    Go out side


  7. I go to It is clinically proven to beat boredom! LOL JK

  8. Sell my self on the street.



  9. Watch CSI, write stories, read, listen to music and brainstorm, more like day dream.  

  10. listen to music and come on here i guess

  11. Clean my room, or take a trip to Y!A

  12. Listen to music.

    And if that doesn't cure me then just walk around in circles in my room lol.

  13. Listen to music, Y!A, try to get my daughter to talk, play guitar, play my keyboard

  14. i go on myspace

  15. ~read

    ~work on a short story i'm writing

    ~chat on gmail

    ~come on y!a

    ~mess around on the internet

    ~find something to cook/bake


  16. ~Go on this site

    ~Listen to music


    ~Play the Sims 2

    ~Watch law shows (kinda addicted! love them!)


    ~Shop (online or go somewhere nearby)


    xox- Julie  

  17. Go on here obviously... =)

  18. watch dvds

    listen to music

    read  magazine

    meet friends


    and so on...

  19. answer questions. haha. =)

  20. Clean!

  21. go on Yahoo Answers!

  22. 1. Yahoo Answers.

    2. Myspace/Facebook.

    3. Youtube, you can always find something entertaining there. Have you seen the 7 things spoof, its funny, check it out.

    4. Shop online to see what I want next. (:

    5. Go to a friends house so we're both bored.

    6. Drive to the mall, or take the bus.

    7. Play online games, or a computer game I have.

    8. Call people.

  23. liten to music

    play solitaire

    go on Y!A

    watch tv

    bother my mother

    play with my nephew


    plan...for anything, i love to plan things out (but i never follow my plans lol)

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