
What do you do when you're indecisive about something?

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I've heard of writing down your pros and cons, closing your eyes and randomly choosing, but what other methods are there to solve indecisiveness?




  1. Close your eyes, and listen to your heart telling you what to do, never listen to your head do what feels right inside, thats what i say.

  2. i don't know

  3. I have a "book of answers" that i sometimes use that gives me guidance. If i am really indecisive, i wont make a decision for a while, i sometimes let fate decide for me. You could also consult the Tarot, or something similar. Whatever you do, dont make a decision in haste, then at least you can say that you thought about it...

  4. Closing your eyes and "randomly" choosing may not cut it if it is truly a conundrum... because the choice will never be random. You'll end up second-guessing your second-guesses before you've even made your first guess.

    The way around this is to have a--relatively--stable baseline for what your 'random' is. Assign your questions to a coin-flip. Now hold on, that's not all. YOU are still making a decision here, and here's how:

    When you flip that coin, and consider that it may decide your fate for you, you may be able to detect a slight emotional influence relating to each face of the coin; more positive to one side, or more negative to a particular side. If not, then...

    When you reveal the face of the coin, and bear into mind that it is deciding FOR you instead of you actually making the decision yourself, also ask yourself how it makes you feel.

    If you feel the slightest twinge of regret for the result that came up, you have already chosen the other option and did not even know it. Go against the coin.

    If you feel the slightest hint of relief for the result, you have already chosen this option but only now found out. Stay with the coin.

    If you really feel nothing, then just go with the coin. Fates weave as they will.

    This method is a great way to re-establish contact with your gut instinct. Humans make decisions based on emotions regardless. We understand what is favorable and automatically attach 'feel good' to that option. Subconsciously, we know more about the right thing to do than our intellect acknowledges. And without our emotions to help us determine the pros from the cons, even our logic would break down.

    Trust yourself to know when to trust the coin, and you will find out what you really thought about it all along!

  5. i ask my peeps on yahoo

    ..i ask like 4 people and i find that when they give me their opinion i'll automaically think nah ur wrong or right then I have my answer!

  6. I do a pros and cons list with weighted answers.

    A con that results in a half-hour of inconvenience is less a big deal than a con that makes me miserable for a year, and is scored accordingly. A pro that I feel pretty for an evening counts way less than one that allows me to earn substantially more money at the end of a course of study.

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