
What do you do when you're so scared?

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i feel so scared right now.. idk what to do..

everyone's already asleep :(




  1. I pray, Then if I am still scared I do something to distract my fear.

    I am always awake while 95% of the people where I live are sleeping. Be ok with that.

  2. I sit down and inventory my feelings. What are you scared about? What is going on in your life? Take deep slow breaths and concentrate on a positive image. Calm yourself and then face the truth behind your fears.

  3. sing something, play music.. that's the first thing I do.

  4. I usually find someone to talk to. You can talk to me anytime. Why are you scared, hun?

    Message me^


  5. If it was a scary movie or some strange noises, i would stand behind the sofa and watched, or hide myself under the thickest blanket.

    If you are so scared because u think there is a ghost, just go to another room and be with someone. If it is your parent or another sibling who's going to hurt you, speak to someone in the house or talk to your teacher, tomorrow. Dont do foolish things or do nothing week after week.  Just build up your courage to seek help--there will always be a kind soul around.

    Best of health and luck!  :-))

  6. tell the ghost your not affraid of it and asked your god to fill the room with love and tell the ghost it has no authority to be there

  7. If your with some people, try to change the subject and talk about stuff that make u forget the reason of getting scared.

    If your completely alone, the only way is to be strong, and know that god will always protect you. If u just tell your self that, you wont be scared at all.(should beleive in god)

  8. Go to sleep after you read books/Internet to make yourself tired... to keep your imaginations away...

  9. Watch tv, play with my pets, try to be optomistic.....don't be scared.....God is always with you, and the angels, so you are not just feel that way.....Bella

  10. When I was that scared I screamed into a rag.

    but I haven't been that scared in a long time.

    If you are that scared right now then go wake someone up and tell that someone that you are scared!

    I'm old.  I don't get that scared anymore, but if I did I'd scream into a rag and then go wake somebody up.

  11. watch TV something funny ..tom and Jerry

  12. I pray to God. He keeps me safe, and he comforts me. My family loves me and they comfort me also!


  13. Give some thought to meditation , prayer, call 1-800-525-LOVE they're open 24-7, read some Psalms and Saint John's Gospel in your Bible, get a good night's sleep, ask Saint Michael to protect and teach you while your body rests.

  14. i'm never scared

  15. Music, I escape to my music which gives me the power and courage to stand up to my fears. Music, music, music, I pledge allegiance to the vibe of the music. Music is what allows me to stand up to this world and give it a huge middle finger. *flip* you b******s (previous generation) built a TERRIBLE world, looks like me and my brothers and sisters will have to fix it. RAVE TO THE GRAVE!

  16. watch the tv, switch on the lights, listen to music, force myself to sleep.. find someone to talk to. or go snuggle with one of ur family members

  17. Make a little noise or talk to yourself. It's harder to do than it sounds because you usually want to be as quiet as you can when you're scared but try, it definitely helps ease the tension.

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