
What do you do when you're utterly bored and arent allowed out the house?

by  |  earlier

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You don't have any gaming systems, you dont have any music players, you dont have any electronics at all and you are banned from using the computer (it has a password on it so you cant get on anyways), you only have freeview television, no DVDs, you can't cook and you're just braindead. What would you do to keep entertained? (Remember, no electronics)




  1. Dream. I can spend hours dreaming.

  2. tell ur mom to buy these products

  3. I'd read a book, make a scrap book or collage, study cooking so I could learn how to cook, clean, or just sleep.

  4. Read a good book

  5. Read

    Play an instrument

    Move all the furnature in your room around

    Draw a picture

    Thats all we can think of =)

  6. I talk to myself if no one is around. Do weird voices and see if I'm good or bad at impressions- just listen to myself talk about my life, or try and hit a high note- I don't know- it's really simple, pretty stupid...but still awesome.

    You can m********e too.

    You can read a book. You can write a short story. You can try to do a cartwheel. You can do self-affirmations.

    You can have a fake argument with yourself. You can clean and reorganize your room.  You can pick something that bugs you about a friend and have a fake argument with them in your head about it and really tell them off- imaginary style.

    I don't know. Goddamn.

  7. take out your boredom frustration by drawing or just doodle write poetry. go through your wardrobe and put together new out fits try new hairstyles.are you allowed in the garden??? offer to some gardening to get in the good books of those not letting you out of the house!! x

  8. Read a book or write. Play board or card games. Talk to someone if you are not alone or can phone anyone

  9. Read a book, play games, phone somebody.

  10. clean or make myself look beautiful.

  11. Do like the Grinch did:

    4:00, wallow in self pity; 4:30, stare into the abyss; 5:00, solve world hunger, tell no one. 5:30, Jazzercize. 6:30, dinner with me. I can't cancel that again. 7:00, wrestle with my self-loathing — I'm booked. Of course, if I bump the loathing to nine, I could still be done in time to lay in bed, stare at the ceiling, and slip slowly into madness

  12. think about winning the lottery and what i would spend the money on.

  13. Flick my bean.

  14. OMG! cant believe ur asking this question. thats peerty much how I am right now. Umm... Im just myspacing people and calling friends. its kinda boring though! uuugg! umm........WHAT! you cant cook? ooo, this IS a hard question.

    hmmm.. watch TV, look up videos that you like on youtube, watch dane cook, it'll cheer your day up! go check out JEFF DUNHAM too. Achmed the dead terrorist is like my BF. haha

    TRY TO SMILE! (:  

  15. Try making a pantomime horse!!  Here is what they look like.......

  16. theres a way you can hack on the the computer if you have a version of windows xp?

    turn all the whole computer off. as soon as you turn in on, immediately start tapping Ctrl and C5 at the same time quickly.

    a window should come up. scroll down to the option that says "safe mode" and press ENTER.

    wait for the windows to load.

    your screen may have magnified but a new login user will have appeared called administrator. click on this and wait to load. this user will allow you to access other user accounts and remove any passwords on their accounts. or you can stay on the administrator and use the internet as you wish.

    hope it helps

  17. How did you send the question if you can't use the computer?

    Read a book, tidy your room.  If you do something round the house to help out you may be allowed to use your electronic stuff.

    Can anyone come to see you? If so get a mate to come round.  

    Play a board game, Trying writing a song,

  18. how are you posting this question if you don't have access to computer?  Read a book, paint your toes, play with makeup, try a new outragous look.  Write a story or start a journal. Clean out your closet.  Rearrange your bedroom furniture.  Put together outfits.  Try on different stuff together that you normally would not. Its so fun to create new outfits.  Try new makeup with new outfits! This can be hours of fun, if you are into that sort of thing.

  19. be emo and cut yourself and wear all black and sit in the corner and look ugly and cry cry cry!!!

  20. cry

  21. if u have sky and ur a kid u can watch disneychannel (609)

    or adult you can watch news (101) or, watch sky movies (301)

  22. read a book or call your friend

  23. Play hide and seek with myself.

    'I'll hide, you seek!'


    *hides in cupboard*

    *two hours later - comes out unfound*

    'You're really good at this!'

    'You're really bad!'

    Very entertaining :).

  24. TV, Video Games, Chat Rooms, Myspace (lol), Movies on

    Or download VEOH TV and watch America's Next Top Model like I'm doing =)

    have fun. It's a great show.

    Ah, no electronics eh. Sing your heart out to some CD's. Draw something. Play mobile games? Dance to some music, Sleep, Write a poem, Look through some old stuff in the house. I've found some good books and toys around my house xD

  25. Hi

    .. .. ..

    Glad to see ya

    .. .. ..

    I'm here for that very reason

    .. .. ..

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