
What do you do when you are board?

by  |  earlier

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im so board rite now and what do you guys do when you are board




  1. LOL!!! Did you mean to make that pun?? Anywhooo, I play Brain Age on my Nintendo DS.

  2. I'm just sitting here chuckling over the fact you put this in "board games."  

    Perhaps you were too bored to spell check.  

    On the other hand, if this was deliberate, bravo.

  3. i surf the net... or eat ice-cream, lol

  4. play solitaire scrabble

  5. I do origami. I try to do something constructive. Or make up your own game. You will really get in to it.

  6. Theres a lot of fun things to do on a bus. Singing along to imaginery headphones. Stand up near the front and look out the back at something and see how long before others start looking around. Act like a tourist and talk to strangers......

  7. You be dumb. Oh wait, you're already doing that! You spelt bored wrong. Why don't you go play a BOARD game. Which is spelt correctly in that sense! Oh, or go to > Recorded Video> First Episode> Revver! It is really funny

  8. When your bored go outside and do somthing active.

  9. yahoo answers, dog park, t.v.

  10. lol

    u spelled board wrong


    and i look on here when im bored

    or i  txt people

  11. Bored, not board.

    Bad question.

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