
What do you do when you are feeling depressed?

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My friend just got her heart broken by some jerk at her summer camp and now she is feeling really deprssed. What do YOU do when you get your heart broken? I mean, do you eat a buch of chocolate? random stuff that makes you feel better?




  1. Well this is really random...

    But I take like a fruit (tomatoes are good) or an egg and draw little faces on it.  Then I stand on a high place (usually my roof) and slam it as hard as I can.  hahah and I just watch TV. the notebook usually helps (the movie)

  2. Take another prozac and go to bed.

  3. listen to upbeat music and think fun thoughts

  4. Think about all you have and cherish.  Think about what makes you happy and dwell on those things.  Look in the mirror and smile, go for a brisk walk, talk to someone close to you that understands you and your feelings...hope this helps.

  5. Write it all out, maybe in a facebook note?

  6. I went out with a guy for ehh 3 months. And we broke up. The way I got over it is I talked about it with my friends. And soon enough I called him and talk and we are good friends.

  7. going out with friends for ice cream

    extra long hot showers

    sleeping in


    going to the mall or to town and checking out all the hot guys (who are probably way better than the loser es-bf)

    hanging out with family

    exercising - dancing, rollerblading, running

    making homemade food

    walking dog, hangin out with cat

    drawing pictures

    listening to HAPPY music ( like "Hey Ya" by outkast)

    watching funny things like stand-up comedy or funny movies

    make jewelry

    And just remembering "Hey you're single now, you can do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING you want to"

    good luck ladies

  8. i take 2 sleeping pills... or get really drunk with friends, or exercise

  9. I don't eat a bunch of chocolate cause that will make you gain weight then you even be more depressed cause you gain more weight what I do when I'm depressed is I talk to my True Friend Chad about it and he tries to help me through it and he understands me and what I'm going through

  10. 1st tell her to pray. to  give her problem to god in restore for peace  and. have fun hang out with you're friends. get dressed  get out of the house. it definitely works when you're looking and feeling good good things happen. and in the mix of going out there could be maybe some cute guys around that will make her feel better laughing, flirting.  it will make her fell good about herself again.

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