
What do you do when you are having a bad day?

by  |  earlier

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Personally, I like to just sleep. I think it prevents me from making hasty decisions that I would regret later.




  1. read

  2. Take a hot bath and then go to sleep.

  3. i simply tell a stranger that i'm having a bad day. say a few bad words then sing! works for me.

  4. I get on the web and read jokes and view funny pictures. I go here and see what other people are thinking about. I read my favorite book of Hafiz poems. I try and think about my blessings...never missed a meal, have a place to live, my husband has a job, recall nice things others have done for me and just switching my attention helps a lot.

  5. yea or become lazy;...

  6. I go to my memory palace, take a shower, listen to music, drink tea.

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