
What do you do when you are having conflicting emotions about someone very special in your life?

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What do you do when you are having conflicting emotions about someone very special in your life?




  1. It is undeniable that those we are in close proximity to, family, friends and peers are the very ones we come to loathe. If you feel you no longer care for someone who was once special simply distance yourself from them.

    It can be difficult to extricate them but if you are determined it should not pose a problem. Having a non retentive personality is a healthier and freer way to live.

    Need and insecurity are the greatest obstacles, as are fear. Once overcome you will be able to pick and choose your friends rather remain with anyone because you were too afraid or uncertain to leave.

  2. Since you wrote that you are close to them (this usually implies that they are close to you as well). In this case,  just use your great communication skills to sit down and talk with them. Share your thoughts and feelings, and let them share theirs.  

  3. That's a tough one.  It's really hard to feel something negative about someone you love.  It's even harder to stop, take a breath and remind yourself that this is someone you love and you have to take the bad with the good.

    It's when you can do that, no matter how long it's been or how negative the feelings are that the relationship is a strong one.  And that's when it's even more important to take the time to do that.

  4. Call a good friend and talk it out with her.

    Just remember two heads are far better than one.

  5. Sometimes you have to take some time to listen to both your head and your heart to see what each has to tell you about that person.

    Emotion can sometimes cloud our better judgment, so its important to step outside of what we feel, and instead realize what we actually think as well.

    Then you have to take the balance of the two and decide what works best for you.

    Good luck!

  6. I think the best thing you can do when having these conflicting emotions is surrender yourself.  What I mean by this is, we all have that desire and need to want to be loved, love, and share our love with others in this life.  We hate to be lonely, but I think we also hate to be in relationships with people who don't fulfill us.  

    In the past few months, I decided to surrender that part of my life to God. ( I am not going all Holy... on you here... just keep reading ) I told him that I trusted in him that he would lead me in the right direction to meet the perfect person for me.  I told him I did not want to sit around and think about how I did not have anyone, and how I was going to be alone forever, etc...  day in and day out.  I finally realized that this was just another form of negativity.  And honestly, and completely seriously, I woke the next morning and was not lonely anymore.  I am completely happy in my own skin, and happy to be on my own without dealing with the drama of BF's that are not right for me.  I have enough patience to spend this time alone and work on the person I am, because I know in all due time I will meet that person I am meant to be with.  

    So, I mention the surrender as the answer to you, because I believe if you let go of that part of you and trust that God will lead you in the right direction either with this person, or not.  

    Last of all, I have learned where if we have a hesitation about someone or something...  there is a reason.  That is your intuition talking to you and you should not ignore what it is telling you.

    Thanks for reading!

  7. The many voices of fear and doubt can be eliminated with the single vision of asking for God's will to be shown to you.

  8. Do nothing special, just I become alone from myself & try to compromise my conflicts whatever that was or those were. I never bring that 'special someone' at that moment to finalise; rather I do it myself (if needed, try to seek advice or opinion from a reliable source). Sometimes it takes couple of minutes or hours to remove conflicting emotions.  

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