
What do you do when you are nervous?

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What do you do when you are nervous?




  1. Depends on what I'm nervous about. ususally I just breathe (meditative breathing stuff) but if it's a competition or something I usually imagine the judges trying to to what I'm doing- It's really great especially for dance. (Example in the movie Stick It- judges tryign to do the girls' routines in the fussy blue blazers)

  2. When I'm nervous, I get a muscle twitch just below my left eye.

    When I want to do something about being nervous, I take slow deep breaths (to the count of 4) and exhale just as slowly, imagining all the tension draining out of me.

    It works for me.

  3. Normally depending on how nervous I am I just shake uncontrolably. Rarely I sweat. Even other times I get so nervous I go past my shaking and just go neutral.

  4. try to think about how stupid it is that im nervous and tell myself to stop not out loud tho then people would think im crazy lol

  5. A lot of caffeine will do that to you lower the coffee and cola drinks. Exercise can help to calm you down go out for a walk. Listen music; Listen to the radio help me out.

  6. Stop thinking and relax.

  7. Pop a pill and try to distract myself.

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