
What do you do when you are not happy with your life?

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i am married with little kids but i am not happy. i love my kids but i dont know about everything else please help.




  1. if your unhappy i say move on, life is too short for you to live in misery, i rather be out finding what makes me happy rather than settling for what doesn't make me happy

  2. When you get in to a rut like that, it's time to take a break, Find a good baby sister for a few days and get away from the house, a few days away helps a lot, I have felt a lot like you before, and felt like life was like a circle and repeated itself over and over again. I hated it, But only you can change the same old routine going on, or maybe a night out dancing with your better half, might help..been married 17 yrs the wife and I have been there..and when we get there we talk about it and help out the best way we can.

  3. Ask yourself what makes you happy? Write it down... say when my kid says mommy I love you, painting, taking walks, listening to this song... whatever. Then say what makes me un-happy and be honest this is a hard thing to do as we humans love to place the responsibility of our happiness on other people. This is not fair and I tell my bf right off the bat I will not carry the weight of your happiness, it is too great a burden for me to carry.

    Once you can be honest and say what makes you un-happy write it down and re-read it and if you must re-write it. Every time you must go through an unhappy time look at the list of things that make you happy and pick one out even if you are sullen and go do it.

    You have to take control of your happiness and bring moe of it in to yur life, and your children do not need a sour momma to look up at all the time they need to think back on a happy childhood.

  4. Is it something you and your husband could work on? Sometimes you fall in and out of love in a marriage, but that doesn't mean you should quit.  A lot of people re-kindle the love they used to have.  

    The grass is always greener on the other side.  Divorced moms raising kids alone have bigger concerns than you probably realize.  And it will be so hard on your kids.  Try all your other options before bailing on your marriage.  Maybe you should give Christianity a try.  

  5. I eat chocolate and call my best friend....then I feel much better. Everybody has those moments when you look at your life (especially after kids) and did this happen? Good chocolate and a good listener do wonders though to help you remember why.

  6. That is so selfish. You are not happy? You made a commitment to your spouse for better or worse. You have children that I guarantee want to grow up with mom and dad. So you go ahead and make your grown up decision to be happy and destroy everything your kids are happy about.  

  7. Do something to better it.

    Go volunteer somewhere giving to or helping others has a way of making one feel like they are making a difference.

    Learn something new. Take a class or check out a book to learn a new skill, craft, hobby, what ever.

    Take up running...go to and begin the couch to 5 k

    Just take some action to make your life fuller and happiness will follow.

  8. i went through this 8 years ago, had a breakdown, and realized I was not happy.. had to face that fact, and had to figure out why. Then go from there. WHY are you not happy, take a long hard honest look at your life and see if you can figure otu why you are not happy. NO one can make you happy, your happiness is up to you. What is not happy in your life, is it your marriage? your job? figure this out before you have a break down, much easier before hand than after. best of luck to you.  

  9. Simple.

    Your heart is telling you it is time for you to make some changes in your life.

    Note~ I am NOT telling you to get a divorce. But obviously something is not working for you. I have learned the best way to find happiness is to bring happiness to someone else.

  10. It is TOUGH to be "happy" with the stress of marriage, little kids, maintaining a home -- and on top of all that just dealing with life.

    Right now you are probably having a hard time pinpointing exactly why you aren't happy.  A good way to find out what the root cause of your unhappiness is to journal.  I know, sounds lame, but believe me it WORKS.

    The best way to start this process is to find a quiet place, after the kids are in bed, and just start writing what you are feeling.  If you have a hard time with this exercise, just write how silly you feel writing, keep doing it, then when something comes to mind write it down.  Keep writing -- it may take a few days, maybe weeks, but eventually you will be able to read back over your journaling and see a pattern.  This will help pinpoint what in your life is causing you to be unhappy.

    Once you can determine the source, then you can tackle it.  If you are depressed, you may need medication.  If you are overwhelmed, you may need help from your husband and/or other family members.  But, you can't fix any problem areas in your life until you can identify them.

    Best wishes.

  11. i would say do something special for your self i have never been married nor do i have any children i do love children but the live in girlfriend i use to have could not have anymore children and they were grown but if you would like a good laugh go to my question click on the link and answer my question i hope it cheers you up

  12. Change your life- meet new people, change what you eat, stuff like that.  

  13. I would see if he is willing to go to couples consuling and try to work it out if nothing changes in time and everyone can end things on good terms than maybe all will be ok....or try to have a few grils night out and leave your troubles behind for a few hours

  14. Your children will grow up and one day you will be by yourself. Time does go by so try to enjoy your children and find things to do with them for fun. being happy can be as easy as just allowing yourself to enjoy the things God has given you.

  15. You simply surround yourself with people who make you feel better about yourself. Some people are downers and you need to avoid them. If you don't have a positive attitude about life try to find one. Every little bit helps. Most importantly never stop believing in yourself. Ever!

  16. You change what you dont like, you work hard towards your goal and you will attain it.It just is as simple as how much you are willing to work for what you want. Figure out what you want & dont want & change it. Sometimes life is hard but you either sit there & wallow in self pity or you change your situation that is making you unhapy. Its a long road but well worth it in the end.  Life is too short to be unhappy.

    best of luck to you :)

  17. change it! It is better for your kids to see you happy with someone than unhappy with don't want them growing up to think that a relationship is ok if you are not happy :) But try to work things out before just giving to someone  

  18. Same boat.

  19. There's only one thing you need to work on changing. Get yourself to a decent clinical psychologists. If that's not something you can afford, get some referrals from your local women's center. Do NOT go trying to change "everything else" until you work out why your not happy. You will know when you're ready to consider changes. It will be when you know exactly what to do.  

  20. Eat alot and you will be happy

  21. change it, change you, try something different, take a class (mabey scuba?) join a  bowling league, get involved with a volunteer program, or a group at church.

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