
What do you do when you are rejected over and over?

by  |  earlier

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My husband and I have been separated for about 6 months now. He always rejects me. We have two little one. But I just won't understand that he doesn't want to be with me. I don't have support from anybody, not even my family. He uses me for s*x and then he says that he doesn't think about coming back with me. I have tried to date but no success there. I don't see myself with another person. Now, what do I do, I want to stop calling him and looking for him... please help




  1. You're not as hopeless as you think you are. You just keep returning to the path of least resistance - to him. He's only using you for s*x and he knows it. You will find someone to date if you keep at it. The only person keeping you where you are is you. Decide to move on, make a plan, and do it. See a counselor or clergy if you can't figure out how. A wise friend once told me that everything happens for a reason. He has chosen to move on, you should too. There is a life out there for you, go get it!

  2. you sound needy.. you need to gain self respect and control of your life.. you need to blow him off.. he is using you for s*x.. tell him no.. get on with your life.. you need to take care of your kids.. they will mould their life on how you act.. you have to show them how to be strong...

  3. First thing that you have to do is stop having s*x with him. That just makes your emotions more mixed. Don't call him and let him think that you are just as happy as he is even if you have to cry behind closed doors. Sounds like he wants his cake and eat it too. Let him go and start some counseling to help you through this. I just went through this and believe me it is the hardest thing I have ever done but I am much happier now. I never thought that I would be happy without my husband but for once in my life I can be myself and not have to worry about what he thinks or how he will react to it. It doesn't seem like it now but in the long run you are better off. Good Luck and God Bless you.

  4. "He uses me for s*x"

    That pretty much sums it up. What more do you need to see where you fit into his life?

  5. Why are you allowing him to use you for s*x.  You need to stop.  He is a self centered b*****d and is using you. Don't let him control you.  Why should he say he is going to come back when he gets what he wants from you?  I am sorry if I sound harsh that is not my intention.  You are better then that, you have to believe in yourself.  Build your self esteem


  6. You need to realize your self worth and get away from this man, move on even if you just get a male friend to hang out with if your husband loves you at all this will drive him back home where he long as your chasing him he will not come home he wants to be chased and in control and that's exactly what your doing for him, yet what is he doing for you? You need to show him your life can be great without him and it will make him think twice. Men want to feel needed and if you show him you don't need him he will start chasing you..

  7. You need to get over him.He is just using you for s*x and is probably having s*x with other women.Are you using protection with him? What about AIDS? Don't you want to live to see your kids grow up?Why would you put yourself in a position to constantly be rejected?You don't have to date right away just stay away from him and find your self esteem so you can stand up for yourself.

  8. Hey, I have an idea. . .learn to say "no".

    No, I will not have s*x with you anymore.

    No, I will not wait a second longer to file for divorce.

    No, you are not good enough for me and I am no longer wasting my time with you.  

  9. WOW, after years of marriage I still just want to be with my wife 24/7 and never would consider being without her. The longer I'm married to her the more tighter she wraps me around her little finger.

  10. The first thing that you need to do is get some backbone. You are letting your husband use you for s*x. forget that. YOU are no more than a bootie call. You need to date and make a life for yourself.  Dating is not easy. But it gives you a chance to meet someone that could really care about YOU.  And don't be in a rush. Rome wasn't built in a day.  Stop calling your husband and being his doormat. Do you have girlfriends?  Start going out with them and have fun.  You need to bring you self-esteme WAY UP.  Good Luck

  11. if he isn't coming back, u have to accept it for what it is and forget how u would rather it be.stop calling him as it just makes u seem desperate.he will never respect u when u continue to give in and let him back in your bed.your future doesn't lie with a man who doesn't love u.

  12. come be with me, i won't reject  you

  13. You are separated so stop making yourself the fool and sleeping with him. You need to stand up for yourself and be able to hold your head up in the mirror. Get  a good therapist and an attorney.

    Everyone has value and is worthy of love. You need to start loving yourself again.

    Good luck.

  14. Have more self respect!  It is time to make yourself feel better about yourself and then you won't go running back to him!  I know it is difficult but moving on with your life is and know what you want is the first step!!  Don't let him use you and get the support you need from yourself and the love of your children!  I mean honestly do you want them to grow up thinking it is ok to use and abuse your feelings?!?!?


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