Today in my English class, we were talking about The Parable of the Ten Minas (Luke 19:11-26). I go to a Christian university, if you were wondering why that was brought up in my school.
Anyways, the story is basically about not taking advantage of what God gives you (in the story, it's money). We talked about it in the sense of special gifts or talents each of us have though...
My professor said, God gives us all talents and He expects us to use them!
But what if you aren't ALLOWED to use your talents? I used to dance. I did for 14 years and stopped when I came to this school because dancing is considered a sin (It's a Nazarene school)...There is no dance team. There is no performing arts showcase... nothing. I know it's one of God's gifts that he gave me but I feel stuck because I'm not able to use it. I feel like I'm wasting what I was given.
I feel stuck. Help?