
What do you do when you become indifferent about a decision that you've already made?

by Guest55663  |  earlier

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What do you do when you become indifferent about a decision that you've already made?




  1. change your's really ok.

    Just inform those whom your decision effects.

  2. I think that's common- once you've made a decision, you pretty much always become indifferent about it. It's done with and you can't change it. It's like "Do I want a ham or turkey sandwich today?" And you choose one (let's say ham) and then you eat it... you don't spend the rest of the day thinking "I bet the turkey would've been better," even if the ham wasn't so great.

  3. I acknowledge it, and the possibility for a change of heart. I would allow myself to see things in a new way and actually try out the new decison to see if it worked out better. You'll never know unless you try is my motto.

  4. Change your decision. We are human and we are allowed to change our minds. It is YOUR decision so you should be able to change it

  5. a little more detail would be helpful.  do you mean when you decided to do something, but then you stop really caring.  i think that is bad sign that you are losing your conviction.  or it could be good if you learned and changed your mind again.

  6. Well, perhaps "indifferent" is the wrong word. If you were indifferent, you'd be unconcerned, neutral, and/or see something as being of no importance or consequence. I don't think you can be indifferent about your own decision. So, maybe you mean that you made a decision and then changed your mind? If that's the case, then you need to consider who was affected by your original decision and move forward from there. . .

  7. back up and correct yourself

    everyone learns

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