
What do you do when you both look at each other?

by Guest60222  |  earlier

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do you wave, smile or just look away etc when you look inside someones car and they do the same to you




  1. if i catch someone staring at me, i stare back, usually with sunglasses on so they can't be 100% sure I'm looking at them.  On my motorcycle, I stare at people to freak them out - they don't like it for some reason...

  2. smile.

  3. Around my neighborhood, I always wave. Otherwise, I just hope I'm not getting mean looks.


  4. I don't like to look at people when I drive...many strange people out there.  haha.

  5. Where I live, you don't acknowledge other drivers, because there are too many hookers, homos, and assorted weirdos cruising the streets LOOKING for a date or someone to victimize.

  6. i just look away reeleee fast lmao n look out of the corner of my eye 2 c if there still lookin at me

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