
What do you do when you can't sleep ?

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I have been having trouble sleeping ... any advice ???




  1. Put the radio alarm on sleep mode and I usually drop off before the radio clicks off again  

  2. I get up and do something like get on the computer or read or watch TV until I am tired. Drink some warm milk and read a book in bed (I like Cocoa) or take a warm bath and crawl back into bed. Make sure the room is not too hot or too cold for you. Good luck.  

  3. Just keep thinking about somthing constantly while your eyes are closed.

    Always Works for Me!

  4. I count back from 100 slowly in my head.  Everytime I mess up or my mind starts wondering I start again.  Always helps me.  

  5. Listen to music, watch t.v for a bit, do some weights before bed or read.

    These are things that helpme sleep, oh and also have a really soft pillow where my head just sinks in.

  6. I've had big problems sleeping and I was given many different ideas...

    * Try to not watch TV, play on your computer or possibly even read - this makes your brain active and it will be harder to switch off. It takes about an hour for your mind to switch off after being stimulated.

    * Try a warm drink before you go to bed and it has soothing effects (but not coffee/tea as the caffeine will effect your ability to settle).

    * Try to use your bedroom only as your bedroom, so that your mind will recognise that your bedroom is a place to sleep. If you entertain in your room, or spend a lot of time in your room, then restrict the sleep-only space to your bed (i.e. don't sit/lay on your bed unless you're going to sleep).

    Personally, if I can't sleep I fill my hot water bottle, cuddle up to it and pretend it's someone I love. It makes me feel content and relaxed and so helps me get to sleep.

  7. I got to where I couldn't sleep at all for several days so a friend of mine gave me Isotonix B-12 and Isotonix Calcium Plus. After I had tried all kinds of other stuff and methods this knocked me out and I felt better after sleeping.

  8. Watch a movie, it will make you feel sleepy.  

  9. If I can't sleep, I usually go ahead and get up before I get a headache or backache.  I try not to turn on a lot of lights, or watch TV or read a book, since that usually wakes me up more.  Instead I turn on soothing music, fix some hot tea or hot chocolate and try to relax while laying on the couch with a warm fuzzy blanket and pillow.  If it persists, trying going to bed at the same time every night.  No physical or mental exercise before, since that will keep you up.  If this does not help, then contact your physician for a sleep aide.  Or you may want to try an over the counter one, like Tylenol PM.  Good Luck!

  10. i get up with my pillow and sleep on the wrong side of bed.close your eyes and take deep breaths in and out and let your body sink into your mattress.

    Belzie x

  11. stay awake and then you will go to sleep eventually go to bed early with a book or like me tell a few bed time stories to the children you will soon drop off..  

  12. My Granny's recipe: before go sleeping drink one glass of warm milk with 1-3 small spoons of honey on it, and you will sleep like a baby! have a nice dream  

  13. I spray my pillow some really fresh scent, i have a Bamboo & White tea essential oil I usually dub some on my pillow... makes me feel more comfortable and sleepy

  14. Have a hot drink and read a book, works for me.

  15. I have insomnia,and the best way is to go with the flow.Get up and do something,because the harder you try to sleep,the worse it becomes!

  16. Sound advice from others here, but whatever you do, DON'T have a hot drink - if you do then your sleep will be disturbed an hour or two later when your bladder wakes you up to pay a visit to the smallest room in the house ..........

  17. Drink warm milk before you sleep, read a super thick and boring book, listen to some soft soothing music or (provided you're not allergic to them) put a few drops of lavender oil on your pillow. Sweet dreams!

  18. Well since your a girl get your favourite teddy a hot drink and make the weather as perfect as it can be.... if its summer keep it cool winter...dress warm.. clearing your mind and relaxing is the key to good sleeping... try listening to soft music may b ? turn your phone off and don't think ... The thing that keeps people from a good night's sleep is thinking or worrying about something so get rid of that and you get your rest !... good luck  

  19. Try to relax and get everything off your mind.If it doesn't work get up and do something,then lie down and try to sleep

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