
What do you do when you feel empty and feel like you have no one who understands you?

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I really feel bad for the people on yahoo answers who come on here and try to find a few answers to their problems but only end up running into jerks who tell them they are worthless and just label them i can relate.

I really do not know what to do it is hard saying how I feel because people lack the ability to understand each other. I could speak from the heart, write from the heart, and even sing from the heart but I doubt someone could truly understand what it is I am feeling or trying to say. Sometimes I find myself really stretched out to the limit sometimes when I'm stressed out but no one likes a needy person or a seemingly depressed person so I have to shut up and keep up a front instead of being able to express myself. I'm so tired of not being able to convey how I feel without messing things up if try to let it all out people take what I say and run away with it and I lose all my mental credibility. When I'm quiet nothing gets said or done and I am looked at like something is wrong with me.

The worst year of my life is about to repeat it self this year.....

Can you really consider someone to be your friend when they lack the interest to understand you but loves to be angry with you , does a house feel like a home when you live with family who doesn't get you, can you consider your peers to be peers when then they do nothing but label you?

I feel empty very empty i can work my whole life make allot of money but in the end it would not do me any good because what i want more than anything is just a nice person someone who could understand how i feel so i feel like I'm not alone i have allot of things i have to keep pent up because people like to judge you instead of listen and when a person has issues they tend to scare people off it is really hard i tend to play the game or sleep allot just to get through most of my days instead i could be talking to someone close i dont need a lover but i need something more than a friend im not sure

what should i do i mean i want something in life i cannot buy this means more to me than anything




  1. Keep doing what you do and one day a sweet young lady will come to you and she will be the one for you. She will listen and help and make you feel extra comfortable with her and most of all your won't be alone anymore because she will be by your side.

    You will find the person you are looking for soon.

  2. I''m sorry, don't feel like you are alone in this world and don't forget that at least some of your family and friends really do care for you, you may just have to reach out to them, if you have tried and it hasn't worked then do something different, not going to give any more advice then this, you really know what you are here for and what you need and want, find a way to get that, I can't tell you how, that is your decission and your choice

  3. Let me give u advice. nobody is supposed to understand or anybody for that matter.  so don't dwell on it.

  4. talking health wise, you sound depressed. therapy helps but only if your willing to give it a try. i was forced into it twice and it didnt do much for me cause i just blocked it out usually. i used to feel like you do all the time; i still do sometimes. you just have to push past it and look on the brighter side as stupid as that sounds. but honestly, life sucks and you just gotta look past all that and try to make the best of it. and having even just one person you feel understands you does help a lot. i found one person like that (on the internet as cheesey as it is) and they've kept me sane for 5 years now.. all i can tell you is dont let it all get to you or itll get a lot worse. and i hope you can find that someone =)

  5. I go to the library and a coffee shop to get away. I go on my own and just, well, think. Or read and study. And listen to songs I can relate too.

    EDIT: I wrote than answer without reading the details to the question. I just read it. I know exactly how you feel. I understand you. I can relate to you. Even if you can't explain to anyone in your house about how you feel, or your peers. I understand. I feel for you. I am thinking about you at this very moment. Sure, I know I'm just some random 15 year old girl on yahoo answers but I'm somebody.  Somebody that understands. Lifes complicated, hard. You learn stuff, you make mistakes. You think a lot. and at the end of the day, none of it makes that much sense. You just need to keep on going and try to make sense of it.

    Maybe learn a language? or dedicate yourself to learning something. Knowledge is great, I think, Because you feel like your not wasting time after. It creates an illusion that it's been worthwhile. Like, I read a lot about philosophy, and want to know everything about it. I also like going to art gallerys and exhibitions.

    Don't worry, so many people feel like you. Your not alone. never.

  6. Everyone feels that way. We just hide it deep deep down inside or drown it with alcohol.

  7. It's no fun when you have to put on the face that everything is perfect, when it's the farthest from perfect.  Most people know how this feels, but some know more than others.  People will pretend to try to understand you, but usually won't trully understand you.  Try to find someone that you are comfortable talking to, and who some what understands what you are going through.  Goodluck.  I'm praying for you.

  8. You wrote everything i feel. i feel the same way. Yes, you can't be too 'negative' or you will scare people off. Speaking from the heart - with a few exceptions, it tends to put people off. And I am no good at conveying empathy, so i tend to keep quiet, even though i secretly share the same sentiments. I don't understand - it didn't use to be as much this way. You could get a halfway serious response, but now everyone is paranoid and thinks that depression is some scary disease. Again, with exceptions. I have gotten the most help here than anywhere - other places are downright mean, and in 'real life', forget it. Yes know what you mean about needing more than a friend. It is rare these days.  

  9. Well,

    I don't know if I can answer your question, but I sleep a lot to get through my days.  I think maybe u are depressed.  I take an antidepressant, but I'm not sure that it's working anymore.

    I am also in a bad marriage and have a lot of body (face) issue problems.

    I have not been out of the house since Friday go to Walmart.  I feel that people judge me.  That is why I don't want to go out.

    You can email me if u want to.....I am 47 female...I don't know if i can help, i can listen.

  10. this is my post to say, "I'm listening, I'm relating, keep talking"

    btw last year was the worst year of my life too,

    it was a nightmare.

    I'm sorry your worst year is about to repeat.

  11. You sound like a really serious person you need to love your self first. Dont take everything in life so seriously you need to learn how to joke around don't get butt hurt for any little thing. If you want a loyal friend with unconditional love i suggest you get a Dog. When you feel empty and feel like you have no one who understands you i suggest you go to the GYM with your Ipod and bang some heavy music and hit it hard you will feel much better after plus you get a good workout thats what i do. peace....

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