
What do you do when you feel like you can not go on any longer?

by  |  earlier

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as in your life is so bad plz help me???




  1. I just draw some pics then i keep going

  2. Jessica,

    If you are feeling suicidally depressed then I would urge you to please contact your nearest distress centre or go to your hospital's emergency department.

  3. HEy you, it's me.... Well by now you know we both are having issues, so, as for me what I do, since I know exactly how you feel, I usually end up crying because I know I'm fighting for me to live.

                I think of those who I know love me and all the little ones I know I would love to see grow up. Man I know it's hard. I had this fight just the other night. You just have to find something to hang onto. Big or small, a reason is a reason.  You can do it !!! Time will pass, you will get better, and this will all be just part the past.  It's gonna be ok one day, just remember that. I'll talk to you later. ---- bye -----

  4. keep on going, if you need to talk, just email me. i'm open.

  5. Adapt and overcome. Learn to fix or make the best out of your situation.

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