
What do you do when you feel like you have no one else in the world that cares about you?

by Guest59151  |  earlier

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I lost the guy of my dreams. Not because of anything I did...but because it turned out he is married with a baby. All my friends are now married and out of state. I have the most disfunctional family there could be. They don't even know or care where I am. I'm 27 years old, I'm a secretary. I have nothing to show for my life. I feel really down and I'm poor. How do I have inspiration to keep on trucking? No one in this world gives 2 s***s about me.




  1. There's no way you're poorer then me. I'm 22 turning 23, I make minimum wage and I don't even work 40 hours a week. I don't even have any friends. Only 2 people genuinely cares about me and that is my folks. Whenever I feel like c**p, I go take a long ride on my motorcycle.

  2. I understand how you feel. I used to be a very lonely depressed person. I to grew up in a very dysfunctional family. I spent my childhood being tossed around bars and waking up in strangers houses. I suffered with depression throughout my childhood, teens, and early twenties. After living my whole life feeling hated, unloved, and completely miserable I decided that I wasn't going to let other people bring me down. I turned the lonely, unloved feelings into a motivational tool. I realized that my happiness does not rely on anyone other than myself. I withdrew from the negative people in my life and made it a goal to prove to myself that I can live a happier life. I surrounded myself with positive things. I was 23 when I made this decision. I'm 27 now and have a wife and a 5 month old daughter that thinks the world of me. You don't have to feel alone. No matter how bad life throws you a curve ball you can overcome anything, and whatever you do don't allow yourself to get depressed over it. Depression is just a mental excuse for self inflicted misery. YOU HAVE THE POWER TO OVERCOME ANYTHING! Just believe in yourself.

  3. Like a whinny 15 year old brat.

  4. I feel the same way sometimes I feel like the whole world doesn't give a **** about me, even my family which is sad. But there will always be people who care about you. Find some new friends, and also I bet your family does care try to get in touch with them. Things will always get better, you just gotta keep your head up and don't let things like that guy get you down.  

  5. get on some dating sites and think of horoscope compatibility...

  6. I don't know your religious background, but the only advice I can give you is to pray. God  can get you through anything and if you trust him and give yoursalf to him, I promise you that everything is going to be ok. You're in my prayers and I hope everything works out fine and I hope you meet your true love. Good luck.

  7. Get your mind off it and go out and meet people in crowded events like festivals, fairs and amusement parks.

  8. This question makes me feel sad.  Maybe you should look into going back to college.  Even though you don't have money I know people who were older and went back to college for basically free.  Something about grants for older people I think, to try to encourage people to go back to school.  That way you could feel better about your situation with your job and meet new friends, or at least, better friends who have a "vision."  

    If that is totally out of the picture, which is understandable, maybe you could join some sort of organization.  Like a book club or maybe some sort of non-profit or charity organization, a lot of times you can find these on craiglist (just search for your city or nearest city) or newspapers (especially the free ones found at restaurants and such).  I really love animals and I've volunteered for quite a few different organizations and there are a lot of nice people who come from all walks of life.

    If nothing else join some social networks.  There are so many different ones, not just Myspace and Facebook.  They have ones aimed towards older people and even one aimed towards girls meeting new girlfriends (Girlfriends cafe I think).  

    Gosh.. I feel like I could think of a ton of other solutions if you think any of the above are any good.

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