
What do you do when you feel lost in your life? Is it okay to live life day by day, or focus on my future?

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Here lately, I have been trying to focus on what matters most in my life. In doing so, I've been trying to focus on my future. I tend to live life going day by day, which has done well for me to be honest. But, I often have this feeling of being lost. I feel I need direction. I don't know where or how to start. I suppose this is a start...




  1. I think it is ok to live your life day by day, as it comes most of the time and just occasionally plan ahead. However, if you are starting to feel that this isn't working for you then you need to make a few small goals to aim for and try and achieve them the best way you can. I know what you mean about feeling lost, i think all of us feel like this occasionally and need guidance and direction, perhaps you will get this when you least expect it. Good luck for the future...

  2. You may have lived day to day because you didn't know what you wanted out of life, which is why it has worked for you.  And, if that is still the case, then you should continue living day to day until you find out what it is you want.  Once you find out what that is, then you'll know what it is you need to do to take necessary steps to help get you there and secure a future.  Bottome line can't plan for something, until you know what it is you are planning for.

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