
What do you do when you feel overwhelmed?!

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I am a college student, and I'm playing tennis for the college and work full-time too. Once school starts, my hours will be cut, and i'm worried about not making enough money to support myself. As if this weren't enough, I'm feeling like I did years ago when I started becoming depressed. I am constantly feeling let-down by everyone. What would you do in my position?




  1. As a counselor, I have experience in working on issues like these.  You certainly do have a lot going on.  Being overwhelmed can trigger depression.  Try to prioritize.  You are only one person and you can't do everything, so you have to consider what is most important to focus on.  See how much you can scale down and simplify your life.  Try to stay in the moment and focus on one thing at a time, without thinking too far ahead.  Thinking too far ahead at everything that needs to be done can definitely be overwhelming.  Consider who are your true supports and those with whom you have a mutually supportive relationship and distance yourself from those who bring negativity and baggage.  When you have a lot going on and a full schedule, you can't afford any negative forces.

  2. Seek counsel from a trained person at the college as soon as possible

  3. realize there is someone in this world today that is digging a ditch with a pick and shovel. He or she will work till there hands bleed. someone will pay them just enough money to buy dinner for there family, they will return home and rejoice in the fortune that has been bestowed upon them for this wonderful day. they may recount to there friends or family how they persuaded a particularly big rock out of the ditch. then pray that there is work tomorrow.  Life is about attitude if you believe you are blessed then you will be blessed. open your mind to see the possibilities if what you want is more money I am sorry I can't help you.  but if what you seek is happiness then I suggest you sit and ponder the least significant thing in you life that makes you smile. it may be the perfect amount of cream in your coffee. or a missed hit serve for a winner. but don't stop with the first thing you think of try to find something less significant and so on and so on... after ten or so min stop a tell yourself how wonderful life truly is. verbalize this. This may sound like psycho babble but you will start to see and attract a happier life.

    and yes if this persists talk to a counselor at your school

  4. flick of EVERYONE that is a doosh to you. I guarantee you this will make you feel better and people will get off your back.

    just take out a loan lol.

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