
What do you do when you find hair in your food at a restaurant?

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My husband loves to go to "greasy spoons" for breakfast, but I find that the places are so dirty that I get nauseated afterwards all the time. Today, I found a hair wrapped around my knife when I was eating. What would you do if you found a hair in your food?




  1. i would tell the manager or owner of that restaurant.

    that is just disgusting and you don't deserve to just

    suffer through that. TELL THAT BOSS! .;)

  2. Vomit.

  3. I found a hair lying across the top of my chili at Wendy's.  I threw it out and never went back.

  4. I'm kind of a different person.  I'm around sick and dying people in a major trauma center all day long.  There are much worse things than hair.  I typically just remove the hair and keep eating....unless it looks to be pubic or winds up in my mouth....or worst appears to be pubic as I'm pulling it out of my mouth.  Politely let the manager know and see what happens.

  5. Just pull it out and throw it away! The average human eats about 7 pouds of hair in a lifetime!

  6. I Would Demand They Give Me A Whole New Whatever && Tell The Boss.

    *That Hapened To Me But A COCKROACH Came Out Of My Salad!!

  7. Hair wrapped around the knife is pretty bad!  I'd take a picture of it and send it to Jay Leno.

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