
What do you do when you get 'bored' of people?

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You can't deny you've never gotten 'bored' of anyone, or gotten tired of speaking to them, for whatever reason- it's not a big deal because it happens all the time and it can't usually be helped. But what do you do? Do you phase them out gradually? Talk to them gradually less or in a less friendly way? Do you chicken out and make excuses because you're afraid of hurting them? What if all of a sudden it gets much busier at work, or your computer at home mysteriously conks out- how would they know? Do you feel guilty? It's the easy way out- I've done it before when I was more childish- and I hope I never do it again.

So for those of you who tell the truth to these people you get 'bored' of, how did they react? I'm sure they were much more glad to hear the truth than lame excuses- it hurts more finding out from putting the clues together than hearing it directly, when they have the chance to amend themselves, correct?





  1. Dicth em :) Thats what I doooo.... Nuffin Long!

  2. Heya

    I'd just keep maing excuses till they got the hint. Not nastily tho lol.

    Hope i helped :)

    Can u answer mine plz?

  3. It's very inconsiderate to treat people that way. It's also very inconsiderate to "phase" them out of your life just because you are "bored" with them. They're human beings (usually) and deserve to be treated as such. I admit to having friends that can be a little boring or even irritating but I still include them in my life when I can. I have friends who won't even stay in the same room with some of my other friends. I find this disrespectful and have this talk with them frequently enough. Those people were my friends for reasons. Those reasons are no less valid now that they aren't as exciting as they may have been. Heck some of them have never been exciting but they are still decent and still care about me. Why would I try to push them out of my life?

  4. once i had a bf that i was dyyyyyyyying to go out with for about two months and when i finally got him within a week the whole relationship bored me. everyone was stunned when i dumped him. so my advice is: dump 'em. just stop talking to them.  

  5. go striaght

  6. If I am bored with a person but I still like them I will usually put some space between us for a few weeks before I hang out with them again. Most people I know I can only take in small doses anyway. I need my alone time. So I will try to avoid doing things with them for awhile and then when I see them again its not boring.

  7. I guess it depends who they are and how special they are.  Or whether even if they are a genuine friend, or some random stranger.  

    All relationships (and by that, I dont just mean bf/gf), start on a high and tail off somewhat.  People's lives change, there are busy periods and slowers periods - perhaps something harder for a teenager to understand.

    I usually keep with that person trying, but there has to be a limit.  When they dont reply to your emails, and they live on the other side of the country, what else can you do?

  8. When I have done it in the past I am pretty blunt about it and they are pretty upset.  But I don't really care because, hey, I'm bored with them.  They will get over it.  Or not.  If you can tell them exactly why they were, you know, boring, it will help.  They may be more upset but you're doing them a favor in the long run.

  9. We often grow apart from people or develop in different ways.

    If it's a new person in your life, I'd not call and make excuses.  They'll get the message (usually).

    If it's someone you've known for a long time, it's very different.

    After I moved to London, I met new friends, came out, and lived a very different life.  When I visited my hometown, I met with my friends but I felt that they were still in the same place as I was 1, 2 or 3 years earlier.  I had grown in a different direction.  We continued to meet when I went to my hometown and gradually it got less and less often and now, we're not in contact.  Although occasional e-mail contact would be nice.

    Sometimes, you simply get bored in which case I've found seeig them less often helps.  Sometimes people get upset that you say you've got other friends or need time to yourself, although I try to make time for friends occasionally.

    I had one friend who was a bit lonely (because he was a little boring and immature for his age) who I made a point of meeting up with just once every two or three months and our meeting would give him so much joy.  After doing that a number of times, I enjoyed meeting up with him once every three months (but not more regularly).

    Maybe you could try to meet up around Christmas, birthdays and an occasional other day, but move them more to the periphery of your friendship circle.  They'll then do that to you.

    Hope this has been helpful.



  10. Yawn

  11. Most of the people I have gotten bored of are now exes - for that very reason.  When I get bored of someone, they usually know it quite soon. Some of them react with malice, others saw it coming, one guy got really depressed when he found out - regardless, I never really feel guilty about letting go of people when they become boring. And I have yet to regret it.

  12. Eat them for dinner!  ROARRR!!!

    (that wont make any sense until my avatar shows up!!!)

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