
What do you do when you get tired and frustrated with your kids?

by  |  earlier

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I am a single mom of 2 with no help from their dads.




  1. well i am a parent with a husband that might as well be the 3rd child (only that he pays the bills)....when I need a break I just rest at naptime or bed time or when they are being bad I put them in the play room with a movie and put a baby gate on the door so that I can still see/ hear them and I try to clean whatever I can until they decide they want out of the play room.

  2. I make a moment to myself and calm down, also I pray, it works

  3. I feel for you. I have 4 and one on the way. It is my 8 yr.old mod/severe deaf son that I must get breaks from. Sometimes I literally hide from him. I will be in the closet under the stairs just laughing at myself. I don't feel bad for this, you would understand if you had him for just one day. I love him, but he is a challenge to raise.

  4. My kids are grown now, and doing great. We have a great relationship, but I laugh when I remember being home with them, ages 6, 2 and brand new.  When I couldn't stand it any more, I would put myself in "time out".  Babies in the cribs, six year old on my bed with a book, me taking a long hot shower. I left the door open, and could hear all three and make sure all was well, but that hot water sort of melted away my frustrations!

    My other favorite plan: I would offer to play with the kids, which they could never resist. I'd be the mother bear, they were my babies. After a few minutes of pretend foraging and eating, I could always convince them to "hibernate" for a while!

    good luck!

  5. I put my 20 month old in a playpen (you could try safe area) and go to another room and do something to relax.  Usually I take a shower or take a time out for about 10 - 15 minutes and then I go back out there and try to react positively.

  6. I feel like a single parent aswell.. my husband work all the time, and I have 2 boys .. one is 4 the other is 2 weeks old.. So i am up every 1 - 2 hrs nursing, with a colic baby and my 4 year old whos acting out of hand cause of the new baby...

    i just put everything down, step outside for 2 - 3 minutes for fresh air and go on about my day with the kids after...

    best of luck

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