
What do you do when you hate where you are living?

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I live in Sioux City Iowa, and I hate it. I just recently fractured my foot, and all I get called at school now is "crippled" "handy caped" and "hop along" and "hobbles." I know I may just be a incoming freshman, but its still not fair. And very few ppl are nice out here. I hate it here, and I just want to get out, but we cant move and i cant move out on my own. What should I DO?




  1. Since you are experiencing Peer Abuse by your classmates, there are Anti-bullying support groups offline and online that you can receive support from.

    ***Bully Police USA***

    There is also a Yahoo email list that is listed below.

    bullypoliceusa · Bully Police U.S.A.

  2. Make the best and ignore these people.  Not only are they ignorant but they are trying to rile you.  

  3. Your broken foot's only temporary. I have a permanent disability. Just tell people what happened and I'm sure they'll get to know you okay. I've had to do that with some, but I don't have to do that very often because I'm open to being friends with others and they don't really notice my disability.

  4. Dig in and make it fun, life is what YOU make it, when youre grown you can relocate, meanwhile, it's all in your can be miserable or you can try to make the best of it.  

  5. doesn't life suck...doesn't life feel like everybody hates you and nothing goes your way..don't you hate it when others pick on poor child...and to think you have it worse than anybody else in the world...or are you only concerned about yourself...get over it..i broke my leg playing football..had to use a crutch..i got all kinds of people making fun of me and calling me names...even tried to trip me...big deal

  6. that's ridiculous!! you're not handicapped and you're not crippled. people who are calling you names are rude and you should stick away from them, and don't be their friends. tell them you fractured your foot and that's it. try to make some friends elsewhere - not everyone can be mean. and no matter what other people are saying, don't get upset!  

  7. Find a club of some sort where people are nice to you. Don't let anyone intimidate you. And have a wonderful positive attitude. If it doesn't get better you could always be home schooled if it is possible. But it is expensive.

  8. I fractured my foot in middle school. I enjoyed the time I spent with my fractured foot because I got to use crutches. With crutches all you do is swing slightly on them instead of walking all the time . Just know that if you were a fast runner before your fracture you may not be as fast as you once were when the cast comes off ; but maybe you will have better chances. people called me cripple to it was kinda funny because people do not say that word in the same way or tone. I fractured my right foot in P.E.(physical education) . It hurt like h**l to walk on it because I did not know what was wrong after I fractured my foot.God bless you and yours.

  9. Your foot will heal. Think of people who deal with the discrimination you are feeling all of their life. Go to college and get good grades so you can get a job as soon as you graduate and go where you want to go

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