
What do you do when you have a friend that you can't stand?

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This girl really gets on my nerves. Once she ended our friendship over a material item that I didn't let her borrow. Now she's coming at me saying that I put words in her mouth, when I know full well that she spoke the words that I said she spoken. I had to laugh at that situation, because it made no sense what so ever. I got rid of any contacts that I had with her. Did I do the right thing?




  1. A FRIEND is someone you like, respect, want to be with.


    What's your dilemma??   Why are you questioning yourself????

  2. yes you did the right thing. no sense hiding your true feelings just stay away from this person

  3. Well, the fastest way to lose a friend is to repeat what they tell you. REAL friends don't do that.

    I think you did the right thing. I don't loan out my things either because I never get them back.

    That said, I never betray a friend and to be honest? I would be the one to walk away from you.

  4. she doesnt sound lke a frnd she sounds lke a lying pest.

    but anyways u did the rite thng i mean wht if u still had contact with her she would b doing the same thing rite now! and u wuld b getting soooo annoyed and tht wuldnt b good!

  5. yes, i think you did the right thing, some people are not meant to be together, friends, marriage what ever. you dont want a (friend) you cant stand. that is not a friend, a friend is someone you CAN stand, even in the hard times because you can talk it out. i would move on she sounds like a lot of work. have a great day

  6. I try to ignore him or her

  7. yes u did

  8. Yeah.

    That's what I did with a friend that got the freak on my nerves. She would always be victimizing herself, pulling guilt trips so she could get her way, and then talk sh.t about you or criticize you to the point where you wanted to crawl in a hole and kill yourself if you did something that she didn't approve. She even made a big fuss at me about making new friends without asking her! Excuse me but I am fully capable of meeting new people without getting her permission. Anyway, I just cut off contact with her and I didn't bother with her anymore--including not talking c**p about her. Just ignore her and go on with your life and always show a laughing face when you see her to show her that your life is better without her.

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