
What do you do when you have a really bad day?

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I had an awful day today and I feel horrible. How do you cheer yourself up on these kind of days?




  1. Go into my bedroom, lock the door and lay in my bed under my blanket and probably sometimes even cry. Then I'd just fall asleep and hope when I wake up, things would be better or I go online and read.

  2. go to a girl i like house and relieve some stress lol but naw i like to read and just sit in quiet or watch a movie or something  

  3. I have s*x with my boyfriend.

  4. go to sleep early

  5. I don't.  I just give into it.  I take a xanax and curl up in bed with dog and watch SpongeBob.

  6. talk to my friends or dream about running away to canada lol

  7. listen to music.let those things go.

    here i suggest lights. shes an awesome artist and its happy music:

    now on you know you want to...put a smile on put a smile on.....haha did i get you to smile?

  8. sorry you've had a bad day *hugs*

    I usually just get a giant bowl of grapes and lock myself in my room....that, or I come here and find someone to talk to about it..

    I also sometimes sneak out of my house at like 2 am and walk to the middle school nearby..they usually leave the giant mat that they use for pole vaulting out, so I just go and lay on it....

  9. Lie on my bed in the dark listening to some music.

    Or go on a walk at night, I love it.

  10. think about my lover :D! hahaha or just listen to music.. eat junk food >.> go out for a walk.. get a friend to hang out with.. blah blah

  11. Play the music I love and dance my *** off. All the problems just slip away.  

  12. mrazterbate ;)




    lying under a duvet watching TV,

    listening to music,

    talking and doing stuff with friends

  14. Ben and Jerrys and a good comedy flick =D

    Or talk to my mates...friends can be a great comfort, especially when they're offering hugs (:

  15. i used to go sit on a bench at the duck pond for hours and just cry.

    listen to music while you do it.

    it'll help to just clear your mind.  

  16. Depends. Sometimes I just go to my room and sulk like a child and listen to sad songs like Moby's "When it's cold I'd like to die". Not recommended!

    Sometimes I'll watch funny YouTube videos. Fred Meets Bertha is funny. Or maybe watch a funny movie and stuff my face with popcorn (yes, I do occasionally snack on things other than Cheetos).

    Watch cartoons or maybe, like somone else said, get my camera and distract myself that way. Or read.. I love mystery stories. Complain to my bisexual stuffed sock monkey. lol

    Sorry you're having a bad day! Here's a *hug* and a kiss! =)

  17. sit down in front of your tv. watch a movie, and eat comfort food =D

    or a walk in the park  

  18. I draw or grab my camera. Otherwise, I take my handball and keep smacking it against the garage until my hand feels like its pounding.

    I love walking and just listening to my iPod. That gets me to think about things.

  19. I work out. It gets rid of all the frustration.

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