
What do you do when you have a teacher you don't want?

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what do you do when you have a teacher you don't want but you get that teacher and your friend might have the teacher you wanted?!?!




  1. Only two solutions you can do. You can either put up with the teacher, because you're always going to get one you don't like. Or, you can see about getting your schedule changed.

  2. Deal with it....don't you think your parents have done a lot they didn't want to feed and clothe you?!  You're going to get a lot more in life that you "don't like",  gotta learn sometime that the world doesn't revolve around you.

  3. deal with it. people get presidents and boss's they dont like.  

  4. Deal with it.

  5. LOL What can you do?

  6. Get transferred, but I'd just deal with it because what are you going to do when you have a professor you don't like in college?

  7. There's nothing you can do about it unless you're in high school.

    If you're in high school you might be able to drop the class or switch into a new class but not all schools will allow you to do this.

    What don't you want this teacher? Unless the teacher is treating you extremely unfairly the school normally won't do much.

    There's a reason you were put in her/his class and it may be because she's doing an advanced grade (meaning you're smarter than the other teachers class) or she may be doing a less intense class, there are reasons for why you're put in each class. Maybe you're a good behaving teacher and the other students of the other teacher are bad behavior so need a stricter teacher. You really don't know.

    Learn to like the teacher though because she/he is there to help you and if you're not being nice or not caring enough they will fail you. It's not fair or right but it's life.

  8. Deal with it.  Chances are that the school will not change your schedule just because you want to be in the same class as your friend.  Unless you come up with a very compelling reason to change your schedule, you are going to stay in that class.  Although you probably don't want to hear it, staying in a class with a teacher that you don't really like can be a character-building experience.

  9. brag to them & see if it gets u into the class with another teacher..but that might mean u have to be put in a lower class lol..i've tried it. Or u might be 2 stupid to move up - like me xd


  10. sorry to hear that, but i agree with all the given answers , deal with it.

    if you  are in a middle of a semester it doenst make sense to switch classes.I  had a teacher like that too.

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